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When, as though she must break away from the cords of feeling drawing her nearer and nearer to him, she said, with a little laugh, "Tell me again of my Chicago cousin? I have not had a letter for a year." "Lacey, he is with me always. I should have done little had it not been for him. He has remarkable resource; he is never cast down. He has but one fault." "What is that?"

Within a few months she has entirely changed, and is now very amiable; but I like Fanny’s looks the best." "But Dr. Laceywhat had he to do with Fanny?" asked Lida. "It was said they were engaged; but I do not think they are. In fact, I know they are not, from what Fanny said herself; for she assured me that Dr.

"I will accompany you, Miss Lacey." Minty, though she said no word, prepared to follow, apparently not able to remove her round gaze from the visitor. "You may make the toast, Minty," said her mother warningly, and the child took a reluctant step backward. Sylvia followed the brilliantine up a narrow staircase. "You're from Boston, I presume, Miss Lacey?" "Yes, just now," returned Sylvia.

"Yes, sir; directly, sir," cried Jerry, and he hurried out into the lobby, to come back in a minute with a glass of the sparkling anti-feverish water, to find the lieutenant bathing his face. "Hah, that's refreshing!" said Lacey, returning the glass to the waiter Jerry held in his trembling hands. "Why, you look as if you had seen a ghost, Brigley!" "I thought I was going to see one, sir yours!

As soon as Laura saw Edith she rose as quickly as her feebleness permitted, and threw her arms around her sister, and there was an embrace whose warmth and meaning none but themselves, and the pitying eye of Him who saved, could understand. Then Edith turned and said, earnestly: "Truly, Mrs. Lacey, I did not intend to trespass on your kindness in this manner. I hope you will forgive me."

When practice was over he joined Tom, Roy and Harry the latter pair having watched proceedings from the stand and made his way to the gymnasium in a very poor state of mind. Roy, who didn't believe in humouring folks, tried to twit Steve on his "scrapping" with Lacey, but Steve flared up on the instant and Roy was glad to change the subject.

3 This observation of Reid's shows that the origin of language is very different from what the evolutionists since Darwin have imagined it to be. 5 As we have seen, the word had better luck with Goethe. 6 Wordsworth, with all his limitations, had a real affinity with Goethe in his view of nature. Mr. Norman Lacey gives some indication of this in his recent book, Wordsworth's View of Nature.

"Well, now, my gentle gazelle, listen unto me," continued Lacey. He suddenly leaned forward, and spoke in subdued but rapid tones. "Say, Mahommed, once upon a time there was an American man, with a shock of red hair, and a nature like a spring-lock.

Jerry closed the door and went across the lobby, hearing the heavy pace of his master as he walked restlessly up and down the room. "The scoundrel!" Lacey muttered. "He is a scoundrel, and I'm a fool a pigeon, and he has plucked me. I swear he cheated. He played that very trick I was once warned about. Serve me right! But it's the last time."

Peace and salaam!" Between Nahoum and David there were no words at first at all. They shook hands like Englishmen, looking into each other's eyes, and with pride of what Nahoum, once, in his duplicity, had called "perfect friendship." Lacey thought of this now as he looked on; and not without a sense of irony, he said under his breath, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian!"