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At first the total was put much higher; but, as soon as they retired, many fugitives made their way into Knighton; having slipped away in the darkness, when their villages were attacked, and concealed themselves in the woods, or among the rocks." "There has been fighting up in the north, too," Sir Edmund said.

A select circle of gastronomes was to be present, amongst whom was Lord Yarmouth, well known in those days by the appellation of "Red-herrings," from his rubicund whiskers, hair, and face, and from the town of Yarmouth deriving its principal support from the importation from Holland of that fish; Sir Benjamin Bloomfield, Sir William Knighton, and Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, were also of the party.

Those written to his Chancellor Eldon, to the Duke of Wellington, to Lord Liverpool, to Sir William Knighton, keeper of the privy purse, and others, show great cordiality, frankness, and the utter absence of the stiffness and pride incident to his high rank. They abound in expressions of kindness and even affection, whether sincere or not.

The way was beguiled by anecdotes, that had been passed down from mouth to mouth, of the last Welsh war. They reached Knighton by nine o'clock. The enemy had not, as yet, come within sight of the town; but, throughout the night, the sky to the west had been red with the flames of the burning villages and homesteads. The male inhabitants were all under arms.

On coming to Edinburgh, Sir Walter found that his old friend and neighbour Lady Jane Stuart was no longer there to welcome him. She also had died somewhat suddenly on October 28th, and was buried at Invermay on November 4th. David Boyle. 5 The familiar name applied to Sir William Knighton, sometimes also the Great Unseen.

After a consultation between the knights, it was agreed that two hundred of the footmen were to remain, for two or three days, at Knighton; in case the retreat of the Welsh might be a feigned one, intended to lull the inhabitants into a state of security, and then to make a sudden night attack upon the walls.

I understand what you think. Call in the Bishop and let him read prayers. Last night he was talking a great deal to Knighton, and was as amusing as ever. In constitution and in mind he is certainly a wonderful man. I have no doubt that the feeling that he is always in representation makes him behave in the face of death as a man would on the field of battle. June 10.

"Then we need think no more about it," Roger said. "Well, that was a fight! The one we had at Knighton was as nothing to it." "Yes, I think that even you could not want a harder one, Roger." "No; this was quite enough for one day's work. I should like a drink of water, if I could get one."

I just want to speak one word to Osborne, whom I see coming down here. Well, Osborne, I must come and knock you up one of these mornings. I have got a commission for you from Lady Julia Knighton, to which you must pay particular attention." "Well, Mr. Grey, how does Lady Julia like the bay mare?" "Very much, indeed; but she wants to know what you have done about the chestnut."

Pitt and made the Anti-Jacobin confession of faith, in which he persevered until . Canning himself mentioned this to Sir W. Knighton, upon occasion of giving a place in the Charter-house, of some ten pounds a year, to Godwin's brother. He could scarce do less for one who had offered him the dictator's curule chair.