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Gradually, as his eye dwelt on the words, 'Amelia, the beloved wife, the waves of feeling swelled within his soul, and he threw himself on the grave, clasping it with his arms, and kissing the cold turf. 'Milly, Milly, dost thou hear me? I didn't love thee enough I wasn't tender enough to thee but I think of it all now. The sobs came and choked his utterance, and the warm tears fell.

"You will go to bed," he said, kissing her, "and I will go to think." "Can you see any way?" she asked anxiously. Then he put his hands on either side of her face and turned it up to his own. "You plotted once and overthrew my aunt," he said. "It’s my turn now." "Are you going to plot?" "I’m going to try." "I’ll pray for your success," she whispered.

All at once, she had him in her arms; and as if not a moment had gone by since she held him so in the little, dark, upper entry in Budd Street, where he had toddled to her in his nightgown, for her grieved farewell, was hugging and kissing him, with the old, forgetting and forgiving love. Mrs. Grubbling looked on in petrified amaze.

But indeed, indeed, you don't know how many people are anxious that you should be happy; and you can't expect your own sister not to be as anxious as any one else." "Mabyn, you're a good girl," Wenna said, kissing her. "But I am rather tired to-day: I think I shall lie down for a little while." Mabyn uttered a sharp cry, for her sister had fallen back on a chair, white and insensible.

"Dear child, my dear humble penitent little girl!" he said tenderly, "it was all long since fully and freely forgiven. Now good night, my darling; and good bye till next year," he added in playful tone, kissing her fondly over and over again, "unless something unforeseen should make you want your father before morning. In that case you will not have far to run to find him."

"Are you gone mad?" inquired Wilhelm; "what a history is this? Did you go in the night up to the top of the house? That is an unseasonable compassion!" "It was beautiful!" said Otto, bending himself involuntarily, and kissing Louise's hand. "Yes, that is water to his mill!" exclaimed Wilhelm. "I think nothing of such things!" "We will not talk about it to anyone," said the mother.

Then he folded the letter and kissing it, gave it to the nurse and said to her, 'O nurse, incline thy lady's heart to me. 'I hear and obey, answered she and carried the letter to her mistress, who kissed it and laid it on her head, then wrote at the foot of it these verses: Harkye, thou whose heart is taken with my grace and loveliness, Have but patience, and right surely thou my favours shalt possess.

What other word have we for that feminine method, the resort of so very many, the remedy of so very few? But Mrs. Archer simply circled a loving arm about the slender form. "We're all on guard to-night, aren't we, daughter?" she murmured, fondly kissing the tear-wet cheek. "It was so long before your father dropped to sleep. Have you heard anything?"

But I should beg your pardon, my love, who never either neglected or offended me in your life." And kissing her cheek as she threw her arms round his neck, he experienced that consolation which a parent feels, even in the most distressed state, in the assurance that he possesses the affection of a child.

The chamber was ornamented with flowers; the bed covered with the very finest of linen; the two ladies insisting on making it themselves, and kneeling down at the bedside and kissing the sheets out of respect for the web that was to hold the sacred person of a King.