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"I don't see how a man can be kinder to a woman than you are to me." Well, kind was what he wanted to be; yet even while her charming eyes rested on him with the truth of this he none the less had his humour of honesty. "When I say suspense I mean, you know," he laughed, "suspense about my own case too!" "Oh yes about your own case too!"

His colorless, quivering lips gave out no sound. "You've got off easy," observed Mrs. Slawson benevolently. "If you'd been my boy Sammy, you'd a got about twict as much an' three times as thora. As it is, I just kinder favored you give you a lick an' a promise, as you might say, seein' it's you and you ain't used to it yet. Besides, I reely like you, an' want you to be a good boy.

I've been prayin' all night, and it seemed as if the Lord must hear me, and I kinder felt it in my bones that He had. So I expected to hear you say you was goin' to get well; and Mr. Gregory, he's better too ain't he?" There was no immediate answer. Neither Miss Eulie nor Annie seemed to know how to reply to the old man at first. But Mr.

If a man inflict a thousand ills upon a beast, it can neither ward him off with speech nor hale him into court. Therefore is it essential that ye show forth the utmost consideration to the animal, and that ye be even kinder to him than to your fellow man. Train your children from their earliest days to be infinitely tender and loving to animals.

"You have been kinder to me than my own father ever was, and I have tried so hard to be useful to you. Now this dreadful thing has taken place, all because of my carelessness. I wish you would take that buggy whip to me; I deserve it."

Thar's more ways of feeding a baby, young man, than you knows on, with all your 'nat'ral nourishment. But it looks kinder logy and stupid." North freezingly admitted that he had given the infant whisky as a stimulant. "You did? Come, now, that ain't so looney after all. Well, I'll take the baby, and when Dad comes home we'll see what can be done." North hesitated.

Both gentlemen pressed forward, and looked in; but saw nothing. "Hang your head kinder sideways, down so, and look up, Mars Lennox." Mr. Dunbar changed his position, and after an instant, started back. "Do you see it, Churchill? No hallucination; it is as plain as print, just like the negative of a photograph." "Bless my soul! It beats the Chinese jugglers! What a curious thing!"

He got the fire engine and the neighbors collected, and got most of the furniture out below, and they couldn't hardly git her to make a move, for she hadn't got the last scallop made, but finally somebody grabbed her, and kinder hauled her out, she a tryin' to smile, they say, and look calm, as she was borne out.

I've been 'most everywhere in the nat'ral way, o' course." "I can give him all the salt water he's likely to need till he's a skipper." "Haow's that? I thought you wuz a kinder railroad king. Harve told me so when I was mistook in my jedgments." "We're all apt to be mistaken.

"Master George, sir, there was a poet once Tennyson, I think, who said, 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all, and I know that he was right. Many years ago, before you were born, Master George, I loved and lost, and that is how I know. But I hope that Fortune will be kinder to you, indeed I do." "Thank you, John, though I don't see why she should be."