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Afterwards fine. Southerly wind. Temperature at five P.M. 22 degrees centigrade. Favorable news was communicated at eleven o'clock this evening at the headquarters at the Invalides. After four days of steady fighting, the allied left wing has crossed the Marne near Charly and driven back the enemy sixty kilometers, the British taking many prisoners and machine guns.

"There," he said, "is where we dropped the first of our big ones when we were trying to get the range of the fort. You see our guns were posted at a point between eight and nine kilometers away and at the start we overshot a trifle.

"There's not a gram of metal inside the fourth zone within a hundred thousand kilometers and yet they must be close to send such a wave as that. But the Second thinks not what do you think, Costigan?" The bluff commander, reactionary and of the old school as was his breed, was furious baffled, raging inwardly to come to grips with the invisible and undetectable foe.

"Obviously an English one, lying some three kilometers out. But we cannot see her boat." "Have the men taken cover?" "Yes, citoyen." "They will not blunder?" "They will not stir until the tall Englishman comes, then they will surround and overpower the five men." "Right. And the lady?" "Still dazed, I fancy. She's close beside you, citoyen." "And the Jew?"

He could as easily have set the RAI gun to read his velocity and distance in centimeters or kilometers, and it would have read as well his rate of retreat, if that had been the factor.

"We never saw them before because we never went where they lived you were a long ways from your usual stamping-grounds, you know. That animal-vegetable flower is probably a high-altitude organism, living in the mountains and never coming as low as we are down here. As for the savages whatever they are they probably never come within five kilometers of the falls.

The blast expired and there, plainly limned upon the observation plates, was the Nevian speedster. "As a computer you're good," Rodebush applauded. "So close that we can't use the neutralizers to catch him. If we use a dyne of driving force we'll overshoot him a million kilometers before I can snap the switches out."

"A week after we took the field our infantry, in heavy marching order, was covering fifty kilometers a day thirty of your American miles and doing it day after day without straggling and without any footsore men dropping behind. "Do these things count in the sum total? I say they do. Our army will win because it deserves to win through being ready and being complete and being efficient.

"We'll make you sing a different song when we get you in Vera Cruz," said the captain. "And when do you think that will be, Captain?" queried Adrian. "As soon as the next train comes along." "Oh, that's it, is it?" said Donald. "That being the case, I guess we will not wait for another train. By the way, how far is it to Vera Cruz?" "About a hundred kilometers."

My wound was again examined, cleaned and dressed and again the terrible swab went its depth. About 4 o'clock that afternoon I was loaded into another stretcher on an ambulance and taken to Base Hospital 51 at Toul. The distance from the field hospital to Toul was about twenty-five kilometers and we did not reach there until about 9 o'clock that night.