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We may be sure that it was in every MAY-FLOWER family, and occasional ancient specimens are yet to be found in "Old Colony" garrets. Pots and kettles of all sorts find more frequent mention in the early inventories than anything else, except muskets and swords, and were probably more numerous upon the ship than any other cooking utensil.

They could be found lying around camp almost anywhere, and were used for any purpose to which they could be applied poles to hang kettles on over the fire, tent-sticks, revetments to hold the dirt back, or any other use.

Kettles were quickly filled and a late supper was eaten, and then all lay down to sleep. Nothing disturbed their rest except the distant mournful screeches of the wild cats and some other wild animals, that were already, now that spring was coming, like themselves, on the lookout for muskrats.

Some hauled might and main at the boats; some carried up the provisions, frying-pans, and kettles; others cut down dry trees with their axes, and cut them up into logs from five to six feet long, and as thick as a man's thigh. These were intended for six great fires, each boat's crew requiring a fire to themselves.

An oil can was over some ashes, and there were some queer, big kettles near. In another place were Chinese children eating their breakfast. One child had a Chinese cup, out of which she ate with chop-sticks. Jo sat down on the edge of the village, and watched three women who were setting off in a boat, intending to row out into the surf to get kelp.

Six large kettles were next brought in, containing several dogs and a bear suitably chopped to pieces, which being ladled out to the guests were despatched in an instant, and a solemn dance and a supper of boiled corn closed the festivity. The strangers embarked again on the next day, and the cannon of Montreal greeted them as they landed before the town.

In the quartermaster's department everything "went on slowly and badly; tents, pack-saddles, kettles, knapsacks and cartridge boxes, were all 'deficient in quantity and quality." The army contractors were positively dishonest, and the war department seems to have been fearfully negligent in all of its work.

"Uncle Rik, I do," said Robin, with intensely earnest eyes and glowing cheeks. "Bravo! Robin, you'll do it, I do believe, if it is to be done at all; give us your hand, lad." The old sailor's red countenance beamed with a huge smile of kindness as he shook his enthusiastic nephew's hand. "There," he added, "I'll not say another word against iron kettles or Atlantic cables.

Nothing more warlike is in sight than a row of brass shields, destined for ornament, not for battle. Dark shadows chase one another by the flickering light among copper kettles of ruddy glow, old-fashioned samovars, and massive andirons of tarnished brass. The bargaining goes on. Overhead the nineteenth century speeds by with rattle and roar; in here linger the shadows of the centuries long dead.

I reminded him that as the fort was now they would have but little water to extinguish a fire, whereas the spring would have afforded an inexhaustible supply. However, it was too late to change their plans and I volunteered to collect kettles and tubs and organize a water-squad so there might be plenty of water in the fort each night. "Might be a good plan," agreed Davis.