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'Tell him to look at the stars without fail this night, and to do what I desire him in that letter, as he would wish That Bertram's right and Bertram's might Should meet on Ellangowan height. I have seen him twice when he saw na me; I ken when he was in this country first, and I ken what's brought him back again. Up an' to the gate! ye're ower lang here; follow me.

With characteristic caution that worthy cleared his throat, and with national deliberation repeated Aspel's query, after which, in a marked tone of regret, he said slowly, "Weel, sir, I really div not ken." Aspel thanked him with a sarcastic smile and passed on.

He was in Red Butte, and he had an engine bring him down to Silver Switch, where he caught us just as we were pulling out." Engineer John Judson, disappearing at the moment when the superintendent had sent him back to bully Schleisinger into appointing him constable, from the ken of those who were most anxious to hear from him, was late in reporting.

Why was he so quiet with you? What ? 'Steady, old man! cut in Ken. 'One question at a time. Didn't you hear his name? 'What Henkel? Yes. He broke off with a gasp. 'You don't mean to say he is the sweep that tried to swindle your father out of his coal mine? 'You've hit it, Roy hit it in once. That's the very same chap, though I never knew before that he was a colonel.

"An' didna ye hear the minister read frae the buik 'at hoo ilka guid an' ilka perfit gift was frae abune, an' cam frae the Father o' lichts?" "Father o' lichts!" repeated the laird, and looked up at the stars. "I dinna ken whaur I cam frae. I hae nae father. I hae only a ... I hae only a wuman."

While Ken was with Reddy the coach sent word up to all rooms that the boys were to "cut" baseball talk. They were to occupy their minds with reading, study, or games. "It's pretty slow," said Reddy. "Peg, let's have some fun with somebody." "I'm in. What'll we do?" "Can't you think? You're always leaving schemes to me. Use your brains, boy." Ken pondered a moment and then leaped up in great glee.

"She'll ken," Blinder answered after thinking it over, "if she likes him and fears him at one breath, and has a sort of secret dread that he's getting a power ower her that she canna resist." These words were a flash of light on a neglected corner to Tommy. "Now I see, now I ken," he exclaimed, amazed; "now I ken what my mother meant! Blinder, is that no the kind of man that's called masterful?"

One may drink opium or inject morphine; these, and other crude measures, may satisfy temporarily, but if one would enjoy the delights of that fairyland, of that enchanted realm which bountiful nature has concealed in the heart of the poppy, one must retire from the ken of goths and vandals who do not appreciate such exquisite delights; one must dedicate, not an hour snatched from grasping society, but successive days and nights to the goddess"...

Ken and can are allied words. Attention means caring for a thing, in the sense of both affection and of looking out for its welfare. Mind means carrying out instructions in action as a child minds his mother and taking care of something as a nurse minds the baby. To be thoughtful, considerate, means to heed the claims of others.

"DEAR DAVIE, What do you think of my farewell? and what do you say to your fellow-passenger? Did you kiss, or did you ask? I was about to have signed here, but that would leave the purport of my question doubtful; and in my own case I ken the answer. So fill up here with good advice. Do not be too blate, and for God's sake do not try to be too forward; nothing sets you worse. I am