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Then I went aboard and had a look at the Kasanumi's interior arrangements. The engine and boiler-rooms, the torpedo room, and magazine naturally absorbed a large proportion of the interior space, but the accommodation for officers and crew, though a trifle cramped, was sufficient to ensure quite a reasonable amount of comfort.

True, our speed was only about twelve knots; what the Kasanumi's behaviour would probably have been at double that speed, in such a sea, I shuddered to think. But I was destined to know, in the not-far-distant future.

Meanwhile, the helmsman and signalmen on the Kasanumi's bridge had seen me tossed over the rail by the force of the explosion, and, although themselves severely shaken, had instantly flung themselves down upon the turtle-back, where they found me lying bleeding and insensible.

A heavy boom followed, and I had the extreme gratification of knowing that the little Kasanumi's first Whitehead had got home. The explosion was quickly followed by several others; and in the midst of them a sudden transformation took place.

It appeared that at the moment when the explosion occurred, the Akatsuki was so close to the Kasanumi that the two craft were all but touching each other, although, from the Kasanumi's bridge, where I was then standing, I could not see the other destroyer.

Those two battleships constituted the Kasanumi's share of the bag; and very pleased we were with ourselves when the news became known, since those two ships were far and away the best in the Russian fleet, and the loss of them, even if it should prove to be only temporary, was a very serious matter for the Russians.