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From all directions weird crafts made their way hesitatingly toward it. The sentries were distrustfully scrutinized, but not a soldier was armed. "See, Kali Pandapatan, I told you the new governor was good. He trusts us and permits us to enter his barrio as friends."

The weapon and the three Kalis suddenly became one immense sardonyx that blazed huge and grand for a brief moment. Then the jewel-blaze burned out, and a handful of ashes sifted to the ground. The fourth Kali was undone. It tried to go forward against that jewel-fire. Then it hesitated and darted back.

While he watched, amazed, the big clumsy logs divided, and swung slowly out, leaving the channel clear. Piang had severed the ratan thongs. "Lééééé lelele ouiiiiii!" crashed through the night, and Kali recognized his tribal war-cry. "Piang! Piang!" he cried. The dark shape, clinging to the drifting boom answered, and Kali rushed toward it.

For a Brahmana woman to bring forth a son devoted to heroic deeds is a reproach. The scriptures declare that Righteousness loses its strength as Time advances. In the Krita age, it exists in entirety. In the Treta, it loses a quarter. In the Dwapara, another quarter is lost. In the Kali age, full three quarters are lost and only a quarter is all that remains.

"Him big chief! Him Kali Pandapatan," hastily corrected Piang. "Excuse me, sor; no hard feelings, I hope. Had a rough trip over, I hear; how did you leave the missus?" When the remark had been interpreted, a murmur rippled through Kali's ranks, and hands flew to hips. No Moro permits his women to be spoken of. "What's all the fuss, kid?" asked the sergeant, innocently.

Catching hold of the other cables, they pulled them tighter and tighter until the snake was unable to move. The clouds were heavy and the moon shone fitfully. "Torches!" yelled Kali, and the women scurried about in search of them. Piang and Tooloowee cautiously approached the monster's head, holding on a stick some cotton soaked with poison.

It is the end of the Age, the Kali Yuga the completion of a major cycle; but all cycles follow the same sequence: after winter, Spring; and after the Iron Age, the Golden. The specific features of this organic, divinely inspired architecture of the Golden Age cannot of course be discerned by any one, any more than the manner in which the Great Mystery will present itself anew to consciousness.

The bull Nundi rose and tried to gore me; hundred-handed gods brandished quoits and sabres round my head; and Kali dropped the skull from her gore-dripping jaws, to clutch me for her prey.

Fielding brought Mustapha Kali to Abdallah in time to die there, and buried him with his fathers; and Dicky stayed behind to cleanse Kalamoun with perchloride and limewash. The story went abroad and travelled fast, and the words of Mustapha Kali, oft repeated, became as the speech of a holy man; and the people no longer hid their dead, but brought them to the Amenhotep.

"Assuredly not, your highness; I have simply said deliverance is at hand; the hour foretold for the end of the Raj of the men from beyond the sea will soon strike, and they will disappear from the land like fallen leaves; then will the glory of Kali return, then again will the brotherhood take to the road and gather in victims.