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There Francia painted the camp of Holofernes, guarded by various sentinels both on foot and on horseback, who were keeping watch over the pavilions; and the while that they were intent on something else, the sleeping Holofernes was seen surprised by a woman clothed in widow's garments, who, with her left hand, was holding his hair, which was wet with the heat of wine and sleep, and with her right hand she was striking the blow to slay her enemy, the while that an old wrinkled handmaid, with the true air of a most faithful slave, and with her eyes fixed on those of her Judith in order to encourage her, was bending down and holding a basket near the ground, to receive therein the head of the slumbering lover.

The Hebrew communities of Paris, Hamburg, Frankfort-on-the-Main, and Magdeburg, together with those established in Italy, the United States of America, the Barbary States, Egypt, and Turkey, all sent testimonials, which are now preserved in Judith, Lady Montefiore's Theological College at Ramsgate. March 3rd.

Even when outside Hawkins's situation was still critical and might well be called desperate. The Judith was but fifty tons; the Minion not above a hundred. They were now crowded up with men. They had little water on board, and there had been no time to refill their store-chests, or fit themselves for sea. Happily the weather was moderate. If the wind had risen, nothing could have saved them.

Too simple to suspect anything, the young man swept the light boat round, and received its mistress in it, when he followed the course already taken by his friend. The direction to the point led diagonally past, and at no great distance from, the graves of the dead. As the canoe glided by, Judith for the first time that morning spoke to her companion.

Uncle Billy, smiling happily, was seated in the doorway. Judith thanked him heartily and he assured her he liked to help white ladies, but didn't hold much to helping his own race. "They's ongrateful an' proudified an' the mo' you holps 'em the mo' they shifts.

When Judith was satisfied though she could never be said to be satisfied, whose feelings seemed to be so interwoven with all that related to the subject, as to have excited a nearly inappeasable curiosity but, when Judith could think of no more questions to ask, without resorting to repetition, the canoe was paddled towards the scow.

"But it is preposterous," I objected once more, changing my ground; "Judith craves the arrears of gaiety and laughter which your conduct caused life to leave owing to her. She loves bright dresses, cigarettes, and wine and the things that are anathema in an Evangelical household." "My wife will find the gaiety and laughter of holiness," replied the fanatic.

Her eyes were fastened on Judith with a peculiarly penetrating gaze, and her firm grasp detained the arm that would have escaped. "Judith, my child, there's something up, and you'd better confess at once," she said gravely. "No one will hear you now while we're getting our places. What is it you're plotting?"

It's not only what you do but the way you do it. You've got to have a good outfit. I'll help you buy it." "Do you really think I'm good enough for Mountain City?" exclaimed Judith. "Good enough for the world!" declared Douglas. Judith laughed and gave her attention to the unhappy Sioux. Peter was at supper with John and Mary when they reached home. His whole face was covered with boric powder.

"There is someone who knows me!" she cried out. "Ask that young lady and she'll tell you I'm a legitimate actress, and that I came out here to have room to practice!" Shirley "ducked," as Judith put it, but Sally, more sympathetic, offered to interfere. "Don't," begged Jane. "We were at this court only a short time ago. We don't want to wear out our welcome.