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So a transfer to Jailpore did not mean to Jane Emmett ten extra degrees of heat, the neighborhood of jungle-fever and a brand-new breed of smells. Those disadvantages, which weighted down the souls of her employers, were completely overshadowed, so far as she was concerned, by the knowledge that she was traveling nearer by a hundred leagues or so to where her Bill was stationed.

There were others who declared that he would leave Bholat and Jailpore to their fates without any doubt at all, and would march to join hands with the nearest contingent, at Harumpore. The bolder spirits of this latter faction were for setting off at once to prevent this combination. For a little while their arguments almost prevailed.

These doubters were the older men, who had had experience of England's craft in war. They knew of the ability of some at least of England's generals to match guile against guile, and back up guile with swift, unexpected hammer-strokes. There were men who claimed that what had happened in Jailpore would be repeated in Bholat and elsewhere.

He stayed!" The general sat back and drummed his heels together on the floor in a way that his aides had come to recognize as meaning trouble. "You say that all of the European officers in Jailpore have been killed?" "I did not count. I did not even know them all by mine or sight. I think, though, that all were killed.

"Are you alive, or dead? Man or ghost?" "I'm pretty much alive, sir, thank you!" "D'you realize that you made the taking of Jailpore possible? That but for you we'd have been trying still to storm the walls without artillery?" "I had the chance, sir, and I only did what any other man would ha' done under like circumstances."

But there were those in Jailpore who distrusted fakirs and religious votaries of every kind. They believed them fully capable of rousing the countryside, of working on the religious feelings of the unsophisticated rustics and setting them to murdering and plundering right and left. But they doubted their ability to judge of the army's sleepiness.

Brown was studying out the letter word by word, and discovering to his amazement that its purport was exactly what Juggut Khan pretended. "If there are no more than eleven of us, then yes, eleven! And, sahib, since you seem to hold at least an island here where a man may lie down unmolested, I propose to sleep for an hour or two, before proceeding. I have had no sleep since I left Jailpore."

You would have just that many more miles to march when the time comes and it has come, sahib! to join forces with the next command, and hit hard at the heart of things." "And the heart of things is " "Delhi!" "You display a quite amazing knowledge of the game." "I am a soldier, sahib!" "You would leave Jailpore, then, to its fate?" "Jailpore has already met its fate, sahib.

So the rebels had more than a little argument as to what steps should be taken next, once the initial butchery and loot had taken place. For instance, in Jailpore More than a hundred fakirs and wandering priests and mendicants had sent in word that the province from end to end was ready, and that the British slept.

But if we find and slay them, and send their heads to Bholat, then will the English know that they are indeed dead. Then there will be no attempt at rescue, and we shall hold Jailpore unmolested as headquarters."