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'Anwendung, etc., 'Verh. d. n. V. Jahrg. xxix. p. 80. Mayer has recently ascertained that the hairs on the antennae of the male vibrate in unison with the notes of a tuning-fork, within the range of the sounds emitted by the female. The longer hairs vibrate sympathetically with the graver notes, and the shorter hairs with the higher ones.

Burton and Green observed a dilatation of the stellar image into a nebulous patch by the transmission of its rays through a nuclear jet of the comet. Am. Cf. Perrine's negative results for Swift's comet in 1899, Astr. Astr. Pac. Not., vol. xlii., p. 14; Am. The transit had been foreseen by Mr. Ges., Jahrg. xxiv., p. 308; Bull. Cf. Not., vols. xxv., xxvi., xxviii. Cf. Astr. Pac. Astr. Pac.

If Freud had emphasized the point that this later formulation was more than a vehicle for the cruder thoughts, that it contained components which were potentially of social value, which implied a broader contact with the world had he done this then the present paper would be superfluous. Jahrb. f. psychoanalyt. u. psychopath. Forschungen, Jahrg.

Address, 1891; Cornu, Sur la Méthode Doppler-Fizeau p. Jour., vol. v., p. 1; Newall, Month. Jour., vol. x., p. 177; Month. Jour., vols. x, p. 180; xiv., p. 140; Lick Bulletin, No. 4; Bélopolsky, Astr. Amer. Acad., vol. xvi., p. 17; Observatory, vol. iv., p. 116. For a preliminary essay by T. S. Aldis, see Phil. Jour., Nos. 165-6, 255-6, 509. Ges., Jahrg. xxix.; but cf.