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It was a bit of advice given by our friend Izaak, and as part of what a good fisherman should provide specified: "My rod and my line, my float and my lead, My hook and my plummet, my whetstone and knife. "And," reflected Colonel Ashley, as he dozed off, "I guess I'll need all that and more to solve this mystery."

And we remember what Izaak Walton said of quaint George Herbert, how "some of the meaner sort of his parish did so love and reverence Mr. Herbert, that they would let their plough rest when his saints'-bell rung to prayer, that they might also offer their devotion to God with him, and would then return back contented to their plough."

"Is no gentleman at all only a gentle without the man; and if you consult my namesake old Izaak, you will find what that is." "I will look. I know your way now. You won't tell me anything I can find out for myself." "Is it not the best way?" "Yes. Because, for one thing, you find out so much more than you look for." "Certainly that has been my own experience."

Have I failed in business, or been crossed in love?" "The latter, I fancy." "Well, then, how can I better recover peace of mind and serenity than by going a-fishing? You know what Izaak Walton says " "Oh, spare me, please, that ancient worthy! You are as cold-blooded as any fish that you'll catch. If I find it stupid in Charleston I'll go North." "That threat shakes my very soul.

On the window-seat lay the Izaak Walton to which the old man had referred; the Family Bible, with its green baize cover, and the frequent marks peeping out from its venerable pages; and, close nestling to it, recalling that beautiful sentence, "suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not," several of those little volumes with gay bindings, and marvellous contents of fay and giant, which delight the hearth-spelled urchin, and which were "the source of golden hours" to the old man's grandchildren, in their respite from "learning's little tenements,"

Izaak Walton. Works, in Temple Classics, Cassell's Library, and Morley's Library; Introduction, in A. Lang's Walton's Complete Angler; Lowell's Essay, in Latest Literary Essays. What is meant by the Puritan period? What were the objects and the results of the Puritan movement in English history? What are the main characteristics of the literature of this period?

Like Moses upon Pisgah, he stood high enough above his fellows to look out over a promised land, which his people would inherit, but into which he himself might never enter. One must read the story of his life, an obscure and lowly life animated by a great spirit, as told by Izaak Walton, to appreciate the full force of this contrast.

The frequent references to eels in early accounts prove that they were regarded, as Izaak Walton said, "a very dainty fish, the queen of palate-pleasure." Next to fish, the early colonists found in Indian corn, or "Guinny wheat" "Turkie wheat" one traveller called it their most unfailing food-supply.

THE next day, towards noon, Kenelm and his visitor, walking together along the brook-side, stopped before Izaak Walton's summer-house, and, at Kenelm's suggestion, entered therein to rest, and more at their ease to continue the conversation they had begun.

The chub and the dace and the carp, not to speak of that Chinese pirate the pike, might still look to it, when I came forth armed with rod and line; but for me and my house the trout is henceforth sacred. By the memory of the Blessed Saint Izaak, I swore it! My arrival at Beaucaire was one of great excitement.