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To the laborers and men of burden, the Ish Sabal, and to the craftsmen, corresponding with the first and second degrees of more modern Masonry, but little secret knowledge was confided. Like the aspirants in the lesser Mysteries of paganism, their instructions were simply to purify and prepare them for a more solemn ordeal, and for the knowledge of the sublimest truths.

Eugenia emerged from the dusk of the doorway, where she had lingered, and Delphy rose to take the dripping clothes. "Des' look at her!" exclaimed Aunt Verbeny at the girl's entrance. "Ain't she a sight ter mek a blin' man see?" Then she added to the strange little woman, "Dar ain' no lack er beaux roun' yer, needer." Uncle Ish grunted.

There ish no shoemaker's got a prettier wife-hic-than I have. Yesh shir, we drank a li'l toash to you, my dear." "Oh, Robert," said Mother Slessor to her husband, "I do hope you brought home some of your paycheck. We need it badly for food. We don't have any money in the house. All the food we have is what I kept back from the children's supper so you could eat."

Hood was a graduate of West Point, and so was Sherman. He, no doubt, had on board mein lager beer, so goot as vat never vas. I sweitzer, mein Got, you bet. Bang, bang, bang, goes our skirmish line advancing to the attack. Hans, vat fer ish dot shooting mit mein left wing? Ish dot der Repels, Hans?

"Weally," said Horner, who usually put on most of his w and r ish airs when in the presence of ladies in evening costume: in the day he sometimes spoke more plainly. "Weally, how clevah you ah! I asshaw you, I didn't gwess it for neawy a week ah!" "I can quite believe that!" said Seraphine, wickedly. "Did you ever hear any of Praed's charades?" I asked Min. "No," she said. "Do you recollect some?"

Otto threw back his head and laughed, overcome by the reaction from the tense strain to which his nerves had been subjected. "Ven somepody axes for de biggest fool dot efer vos, he looks at Otto Relstaub and says, 'I Dot ish him, and dot will be him."

"I think that little place saw more surprises, this evening than it will ever see again," said Jack Carleton, bending his head with the purpose of gaining a better view; "in fact it has been a series of surprise parties from the beginning." "Yaw, dot ish vot I dinks all a'while, but mine gracious!"

Law, Ish sir, I mean if you had seen her that same Christmas Day, as she ran in with her chil'en to her aunt as is hostess at the Farmer's.

"He ish looking mit dis way; he has seen us and he dinks he don't know us, and he sings out mit dot way to ax us who we ain't; dot ish his style." Jack Carleton was naturally strong of vision, and he believed his companion was right.

Ve keep him, dough." And no wonder. The chest was shaped somewhat like the coffin of a very tall man. "Vat ish he? He have been here four veek and doe days. Dere is no schmell." "I cannot take that thing I really cannot. It is preposterous. How could the chaplain have put my sword into the hands of an undertaker? Get me a hammer; I will knock the case to pieces."