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But what is the meaning of the piercingly-pure, shrill notes, the notes of an harmonica, which I hear directly any one's death is spoken of before me? They keep growing louder, more penetrating.... And why do I shudder in such anguish at the mere thought of annihilation? 'Wage Du zu irren und zu traeumen! SCHILLER This is what I read in an old Italian manuscript:

Do you know, my ladi, when I was in Greenland I did keep four womans." "Oh, shocking, horrid, vile Sir Charles, how could you tell me such a story? I shall die of it." "Ah, mine Gott, mi ladi; sie irren sich, vous, vous trompez. You are quite in mistake; it was only to row my boat!"

Do you know, my ladi, when I was in Greenland I did keep four womans." "Oh, shocking, horrid, vile Sir Charles, how could you tell me such a story? I shall die of it." "Ah, mine Gott, mi ladi; sie irren sich, vous, vous trompez. You are quite in mistake; it was only to row my boat!"

He did not care so much to stir the depths of feeling as to inform and liberalize. In his imaginative work he let himself go mit holdem Irren and preferred to avoid artificial surprises and stagy contrasts. Wherefore his work is the more illuminative, the more suggestive, he is the poet of the literary class.

The merry, bird-like dancer reached the mines and there vanished forever.... Yes; involuntarily although in a different sense, one repeats with Alexyéi Sergyéitch: "The old times were good ... well, yes, but God be with them! I want nothing to do with them!" Wage du zu irren und zu träumen! The following is what I read in an Italian manuscript:

As soon as a thought has found words it no longer exists in us or is serious in its deepest sense. When it begins to exist for others it ceases to live in us; just as a child frees itself from its mother when it comes into existence. The poet has also said: "Ihr m�sst mich nicht durch Widerspruch verwirren! Sobald man spricht, beginnt man schon zu irren."