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At such moments, starting from a windward roll, I would go flying through the air with dizzying swiftness, as though I clung to the end of a huge, inverted pendulum, the arc of which, between the greater rolls, must have been seventy feet or more.

He was in his shirt-sleeves, and in careful economy had a large coarse apron of ticking girded about his person. His black, dishevelled locks looked like an inverted crow's nest, and altogether he was unpresentable, appearing more like the presiding divinity of a dust-heap than of an "Art Building."

"I shall want to see you early to-morrow, and, might I ask you to be sure to wear that hat which you have on?" It was a very becoming hat, but Kennedy's tone clearly indicated that it was not his taste in inverted basket millinery that prompted the request. She promised, smiling, for even a suffragette may like pretty hats. Craig had still to see Travis and report on his work.

Alas! some new affection might perhaps rekindle the fires of youth in his heart; but what power could calm that haggard terror of the parent which rose with every morning's sun and watched with every evening star, what power save alone that of him who comes bearing the inverted torch, and leaving after him only the ashes printed with his footsteps?

Rigid, the carafe inverted in his hand, Captain Dieulivol was spilling the water which was running over on the sugar. He was dead. For six months, since the disappearance of this sympathetic old tippler, the Powers had not seemed to interest themselves in finding his successor.

the smoother course of the latest Allegro motive. The themes are inverted. Presently out of the din rises a charming canon on the prevailing smoother phrase, that soars to a full sweep of song. A new hymnal melody comes as a final word. Though the main motto returns in big chorus, in full extension, in redoubled pace and wild abandon, still the latest melody seems to contend for the last say.

It lies on the W. side of the meridian passing through the formation, and extends from the N. side of Rhaeticus to the mountain-land lying between Ukert and Hyginus on the N. Birt likened these rills to "an inverted river system," a comparison which will commend itself to most observers who have seen them on a good night, for in many instances they appear to become wider and deeper as they approach higher ground.

I do not know what income the Chief Inspector draws from the Yard, but am sure that it is absurdly inadequate to his services. The higher one rises, the less work one does and the more pay one gets provided that one begins more than half-way up the ladder. For those like Dawson who begin quite at the bottom, the rule seems to be inverted: the more work one does, the less pay one gets.

His head was covered with a scarlet cap, faced with fur of that kind which the French call "mortier", from its resemblance to the shape of an inverted mortar. His countenance was therefore fully displayed, and its expression was calculated to impress a degree of awe, if not of fear, upon strangers.

With pain and labor, lifting one foot over the other, as a drummer handles his sticks, he took a few steps from his place, his motions and the dead beat of the misshapen boots announcing to my practised eye and ear the malformation which is called in learned language talipes varus, or inverted club-foot. Stop! stop! I said, let me come to you.