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For by intestine wars they were not allowed to enjoy the peace with Rome, which they had by the soundest policy preserved; the cause and origin of which is said to have arisen from a struggle between factions; which have proved and ever will prove more a cause of destruction to several states, than foreign wars, famine, or disease, or any of the other evils which men refer to the anger of heaven, as the severest of public calamities.

The ovaries of the bird are in the small of the back close to the backbone, and there is a tube called the oviduct or egg-duct, leading from the ovary down to the lower end of the intestine, which it enters. There is no separate opening for the oviduct into the outer world.

Intestine dissensions have too frequently occurred to mar the prosperity, interrupt the commerce, and distract the governments of most of the nations of this hemisphere which have separated themselves from Spain.

She was at the same time suffering disseverment at her own hands through her intestine divisions and the mutual jealousy of her chiefs. In Warsaw the confederates had attempted to carry off King Stanislaus Augustus, whom they accused of betraying the cause of the fatherland; they had declared the throne vacant, and took upon themselves to found an hereditary monarchy.

The intestine was, without doubt, pierced in two of its curves, which was demonstrated later by an autopsy. A plastic exudation had evidently agglutinated the intestine at the points of penetration, and prevented an immediate fatal issue. Erichsen practiced extraction eight months after the accident, and a pencil 5 1/2 inches long, having a strong fecal odor, was brought out.

The digestive fluids from the small intestine continue their action here, and the dissolved materials also continue to be absorbed. In these respects the work of the large intestine is similar to that of the small intestine. It does, however, a work peculiar to itself in that it collects and retains undigested food particles, together with other wastes, and ejects them periodically from the canal.

A touch reveals an innocent but shocking fraud a poor despicable dummy, lacking the meanest characteristic of its alert original. Limp and impotent, it is little more than a skin full of water, a yard and a half of intestine with no superficial indication of difference between head and tail.

Place it in a shallow vessel containing water, and examine the mucous membrane with a lens to find the villi. Make a drawing of this section, showing the coats. Study the connection of the small intestine with the large. Split them open at the place of union, wash out the contents, and examine the ileo-cæcal valve. Observe the size, shape, and position of the kidneys.

But the league of the cantons associated for the desperate struggle suffered from intestine discord; the Boii and Insubres quarrelled, and the Cenomani not only withdrew from the national league, but purchased their pardon from the Romans by a disgraceful betrayal of their countrymen; during a battle in which the Insubres engaged the Romans on the Mincius, the Cenomani attacked in rear, and helped to destroy, their allies and comrades in arms . Thus humbled and left in the lurch, the Insubres, after the fall of Comum, likewise consented to conclude a separate peace . The conditions, which the Romans prescribed to the Cenomani and Insubres, were certainly harder than they had been in the habit of granting to the members of the Italian confederacy; in particular, they were careful to confirm by law the barrier of separation between Italians and Celts, and to enact that never should a member of these two Celtic tribes be capable of acquiring the citizenship of Rome.

Vanquished by the Aragonians, harassed by the Castilians, and alarmed by the seditious proceedings which the grandees of his court were encouraging among his own subjects, the King of Grenada and his prime minister were forced to conclude a shameful peace. The intestine storm, whose gathering had long disturbed the domestic security of the kingdom, soon after burst forth.