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Claire had remained in shadow, but her eyes, or so the interloper thought he perceived, were full of tears. Since that spring evening the Mayor of Falaise had not had an easy moment. While scorning to act the spy upon his wife, he was for ever watching her, and keeping an eager and yet scarcely conscious count of her movements.

It is easy enough to understand the anger of Bowes against this interloper, who had come into a quiet family, married the daughter in spite of the father's opposition, alienated the wife from the husband and the husband's religion, supported her in a long course of resistance and rebellion, and, after years of intimacy, already too close and tender for any jealous spirit to behold without resentment, carried her away with him at last into a foreign land.

This was the selected land of Giles Medlicot two years since a portion of his own run, which had now been purchased from the government for the loss of which he had received and was entitled to receive no compensation. And the matter was made worse for him by the fact that the interloper had come between him and the river.

Alaire regarded him speculatively, then shook her head as if in answer to some thought. In an obvious and somewhat too mellow effort to be friendly, Ed continued: "Don't let's go on like this, Alaire. You blame me for going away so much, but, good Lord! when I'm home I feel like an interloper. You treat me like a cow-thief." "I'm sorry. I've tried to be everything I should. I'm the interloper."

All were too tired, however, to hunt for the interloper and all they did that evening was to get supper and take it easy. When they turned in it was raining, but by midnight the stars came out one by one. "After this I shall hate to leave the camp all alone for fear somebody will run off with our things," remarked Snap, while at breakfast. "Just the way I feel about it," answered Shep.

He felt something warm on his face, put up his hand and inspected red fingers. "Hm! A sliver from that broken shield must have cut me," said he, and dismissed it wholly from his mind. Major Bohannan, with chromatic profanity, ran from the gallery. "Captain Alden" drew herself up the top rounds of the ladder, emerged wholly from the companion and likewise started for the wounded interloper.

Why, Governor Pitt was an interloper; and your own father: yes, he was an interloper, and an interloper of the best." "But not a pirate," said Desmond hotly, his scornful silence yielding at last. "True, true," said Diggle suavely; "but in the Indies, you see, we don't draw fine distinctions. We are all bucaneers in a sense; some with the sword, others the ledger.

He is no interloper, but has the air and manner of being thoroughly at home, and in rightful possession of the land. He is no sentimentalist like some of the plaining, disconsolate song-birds, but apparently is always in good health and good spirits. No matter who is sick, or dejected, or unsatisfied, or what the weather is, or what the price of corn, the crow is well and finds life sweet.

It is curious that not once did his passion turn against his blighted fathers; it was against the woman who had borne him, the babe, and lied to him, the boy against her, and against that man, that interloper, dying in a room below. The thought that had been willing to creep out of sight into the back-country of his mind on that first night came out now like a red, devouring cloud.

When she turned back again, her eyes were full of tears. "Max," she said earnestly, "you may not believe it, but I want your happiness above everything else in the world. There is no one I love as I love you. Give up that other affair. Wash your hands of it. Let Adrienne go, and take your happiness with Diana. That's what I'm working for to make you choose between Diana and that interloper.