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I left the boarding school where I was being educated, and came to the city to try to make a living." "But surely your guardian would try to provide for you?" "He is no longer in the city." "Who was he?" asked Otis Goodnow. "Mr. Benjamin Fielding." "Is it possible? Why, I lost three thousand dollars by him. He has treated you shamefully." "It was not intentional, I am sure," said Rodney.

The centre-point of the prophecy, and of Christ's intentional fulfilment of it, lies in the symbol of the meek and patient animal which He bestrode. The ass was, indeed, used sometimes in old days by rulers and judges in Israel, but the symbol was chosen by the prophet simply to bring out the peacefulness and the gentleness inherent in the Kingdom, and the King who thus advanced into His city.

"You appreciate the ever-faithful Carteret?" she asked, an edge of eagerness in her voice. "The dear 'man with the blue eyes? Of course I love him, we both love him almost better than anybody in the world," Damaris warmly declared. "And he manifestly returns your affection. But, dearest child, why 'almost. Is that reservation intentional or merely accidental?"

It will be noticed that neither here nor in my mention of tonics have I referred to alcoholic stimulants. The omission has been intentional.

"If you could give me a more definite idea of its whereabouts I might possibly make the attempt," I answered, with intentional vagueness; for though I no more believed in the objective existence of the Golden Volcano than in Aladdin's lamp, I did not wish to hurt the old man's feelings by an avowal of my skepticism.

By the way," he said to the actor, "have you thought over that point about changing Haxard's crime, or the quality of it? I think it had better not be an intentional murder; that would kill the audience's sympathy with him from the start, don't you think? We had better have it what they call a rencontre down there, where two gentlemen propose to kill each other on sight.

It is generally admitted that we can tell whether the fracture of long bones was intentional by the way in which they were broken. This fact, which is true alike with the bones of men and of animals, is the most important proof we have of the cannibalism of the men of the Stone age. To the examples already given, we can easily add others culled from France.

I believe they are due, in their entirety, as well as individually, to the direct intervention of a creative power, acting freely and in an autonomic way. . .I have tried to make this intentional plan in the organization of the animal kingdom evident, by showing that the differences between animals do not constitute a material chain, analogous to a series of physical phenomena, bound together by the same law, but present themselves rather as the phases of a thought, formulated according to a definite aim.

The Brazilian Government, however, complained of it as a measure for which no adequate intentional cause had been given by them, and upon an explicit assurance through their charge d'affaires residing here that a successor to the late representative of the United States near that Government, the appointment of whom they desired, should be received and treated with the respect due to his character, and that indemnity should be promptly made for all injuries inflicted on citizens of the United States or their property contrary to the laws of nations, a temporary commission as charge d'affaires to that country has been issued, which it is hopes will entirely restore the ordinary diplomatic intercourse between the two Governments and the friendly relations between their respective nations.

Beside the old man sat Pauline. They were talking in cautious undertones, and in French. "No," she seemed to insist; "we do not know that he refuses to come. We only know that Manuel says so." The father shook his head sadly. "When has he ever staid away three nights together before?" he asked. "No, my child; it is intentional. Manuel urges him to come, but he only sends poor excuses."