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"I am disposed to agree with you," said Grant, somewhat pointedly. "But I don't intend that they shall set my standards." "You have your salary. That comes under the head of earnings, if you are finnicky about the profits. What do you propose to pay yourself?" "I have been thinking about that. On the ranch I got a hundred dollars a month, and board."

One's own friends look inclined to play one false; and really, the queer cuffins hover so sharply upon us that I thought it safe to duck for a time. So I have taken a lodging in a cellar, and I intend for the next three months to board at the Mug. I have heard that I may be sure of lying snug here. Dummie, your health! Give us the baccy."

The officer replied at once that if Wilson was indeed leading a right life, and did not intend to go bad again, he would not only leave him alone, but would endeavor to secure for him a pardon from the president of the United States.

Some one jostled them as they neared the arch. "That woman!" whispered Tavia. "I am perfectly sure she took that ring and threw it in your bag." "Hush!" cautioned Dorothy. "She can hear you!" "I intend her to," replied Tavia. "I guess she made enough trouble for us." "But we only think she did," corrected Dorothy. "It is just as easy for us to be mistaken as it was for the others."

We don't intend to visit them, but it is very interesting." "Interesting! yes, that's the word," repeated D'Artagnan. "And Wednesday?" "Rustic pleasures, as I have had the honor to tell you, monsieur le chevalier.

The master was sadly perplexed, and the colonel would not come to his aid; at last he bethought him of a better reason, which must succeed. "Yes, miss; but you see it's coming on night, and it's a rule that all ladies should go below at night," he said, in a grave tone. This made Ada fairly laugh outright. "Oh! but I intend to break through the rule, I can assure you.

"Now," said he to his curate, as they talked the matter over that night. "it is quite evident that this scapegrace reckons upon our refusal to call him with any of those females to-morrow. It is also certain that not one of the three to whom he has pledged himself is aware that he is under similar obligations to the other two." "How do you intend to act, sir?" inquired the curate. "Why," said Mr.

"I intend to ride like the devil, Sara," he said; "and I wish you could come with me. What rides we used to have long ago! You were a larky little thing in those days, darling!" He bent down and kissed her lips. "You shall marry me or no one," said he; "but you are cold: you are not very nice to me. I suppose it's your way. You wouldn't be yourself if you were like other women.

"Don't I?" said the landlord; "and I'll treat them more so yet; now I have got the whiphand of the rascals I intend to keep it. I dare say you are a bit surprised with regard to the change which has come over things since you were last here. I'll tell you how it happened.

This plan, which seemed so agreeable to Oowikapun, she quickly dismissed, saying that she did not intend to be married until she could be married in the beautiful Christian way she remembered having seen when a child, and by a Christian missionary.