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Asbury; "and, since it is so trifling, you will not misunderstand me when I say that your illness seems to have been providential." Fred and the rest looked inquiringly at the leader. "The man who was here has gone back with the report of what he saw, and I think my words will cause him to represent the case well," added the captain, with a smile, "as it appeared at that moment.

Betty looked at her inquiringly, and experienced a slight chill. She stood up suddenly and put her foot on the fender. "It is this," continued Mrs. Madison, hurriedly. "I think you are too much with Senator North. He was here constantly before you left Washington, and of course I know you boated with him a great deal last summer.

They heard the gay laughter of the company at their cakes and ices, up at the central building. He stopped outside the hallway, and as she looked up inquiringly at him, he said quietly: "Suppose we go down the road. It seems pleasanter there." She acquiesced like one in a pleasure which made duty seem absurd.

The second floor seemed to be lighted up; the windows were hung with crimson curtains, which quite shut out a view of what was transpiring within. Ben rang the bell. The door was opened by a colored servant, who looked at the boy inquiringly. "Is Mr. Barnes within?" asked Ben. "I don't know the gentleman," was the answer. "He sent me a letter, asking me to meet him here at nine o'clock."

I will leave as soon as it is dark, and will do my best to secure some information of value." "I hope that you may succeed, my boy." "I hope so, sir." After a little further conversation Dick took his departure, and rejoined his comrades, who looked at him inquiringly. "Spy-work again, Dick?" queried Ben. "Yes, Ben," was the reply. "That's what we guessed. When do you start?" "This evening."

Art came to a pause and looked at her inquiringly. "What's the matter?" he demanded. "You called me up here and I sure was tickled to death to come, all right! and now you stand there looking like I was a kid that had been caught whispering, and must be kept after school. I know the symptoms, believe me! You're sore about something I've said.

The Marchese looked inquiringly at the Prince. "Shall you add to the gaiety of nations, or at least of Florence?" The young man shrugged his broad shoulders. "I suppose so." He was well established as cavalier servente now in the Lorenzoni household, and it was understood that Mamie would be a princess some day. The girl was so young that the engagement could scarcely be announced yet.

And now, shall we forget them? His tone was not altogether suave; about his nostrils there was a suspicion of defiance. He forced himself to meet her gaze steadily; the effort killed a smile. 'We will cease to speak of them, Beatrice answered, implying a distinction. A minute later he saw' that she laid down her pen and rose. He looked up inquiringly.

When the hall-door opened and let in the cold blast, the poor lady staggered a moment and clung closer to her son's side. Then abandoning composure to the wintry winds, she found her best refuge in tears, and let herself be led to the carriage. The tutor helped to put her in, and looked inquiringly at his pupil. "Come in too, please," said the latter; "there is room inside."

Consommé was set before them and she began to drink it with appetite, not repeating her question till it was finished. "Well?" she said then, tilting her head inquiringly to one side. "The fact is," he answered abruptly, "I I've had a bad let-down." "Financial?" "No." "Oh! Really!" she said pettishly.