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During the last few days of our wrecking, Captain Selover had omitted his daily visit. The fact made me uneasy, so that at my first opportunity I sculled myself out to the schooner. I found him, moist-eyed as usual, leaning against the mainmast doing nothing. "We've finished, sir," said I. He looked at me. "Will you come ashore and have a look, sir?" I inquired.

"You want to give her something that will be a constant reminder of you?" "Yes," he said, "that was what was the matter." "Does she have any corns?" asked the old wretch. The boy said he had never inquired into the condition of her feet, and wanted to know what corns had to do with it.

It would be a relief to the poor fellow when, as he undoubtedly would do in the course of the drive, he inquired of Aline the name of her maid and was told that it was Simpson. He would mutter something about "Reminds me of a girl I used to know," and would brood on the remarkable way in which Nature produces doubles.

She was indeed at a loss what to say. She could not bring herself to ask him whether he had been influenced by Trixton Brent. If he had, she told herself, she did not wish to know. He was her husband, after all, and it would be too humiliating. And then he had taken the house. "Have you hit on a palace you like better?" he inquired, with a clumsy attempt at banter.

At length he came to that of the vizier, who was employed earnestly at his devotions, which on the entrance of the supposed dervish he suspended, and inquired his business.

Just as he came to l'Hécate, 64, an exclamation from Greenly caught his attention, and he inquired its cause. "Look for yourself, Sir Gervaise; unless my eyes are good for nothing, Daly is running a kedge up alongside of his woman." "What, a kedge? Ay, that is intended for an anchor, and it means Hope. Every body knows that Hope carries an anchor, hey! Wychecombe?

"Are you not rather rash," Scott inquired, slowly, "considering how little we know of each other, the circumstances under which we have met, and the uncertainty of what the future may reveal?" "No; I'm peculiar. When I like a fellow, I like him; and I've been studying you pretty closely.

"They are grave clothes," he said simply, and looked her in the face. "Do you wish to know more?" "Is she was she is she out there?" He knew she meant to ask, in the graveyard of the family. "Why do you wish to know?" he inquired quietly. "Is it because you are a woman?" "I am here because I am a woman. Well, then." He looked at her, still silently, for a time. "She is dead," he said slowly.

He spoke in a slightly sarcastic manner, as though he had caught us in a falsehood and was determined to fathom our motives. "We were not speaking of England, sir," I said, with some little asperity. "Pray, what country do you allude to, then, if I may ask?" the colonel inquired. "We meant our country, sir; we are not Englishmen, but Americans."

What does he want to do?" inquired Cousin Augusta. "Oh, he calls it the 'White Gift Christmas'; but the long and short of the matter is, that he proposes to 'turn down' Santa Claus, and all the old time-honored customs connected with Christmas that are so dear to the hearts of the children, and have the school do the giving.