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Yet she ever came back to the same point: that it ill-beseemed her to be the first to put forth her hand, albeit her every feeling drove her to it. The letters sent to Gotz had reached him through a merchant's house in Venice. This his parents knew, and they had long since charged Kunz to inquire where he dwelt.

The third mate, who knew I was there, never came near me to inquire how I was getting on. Mark paid me a visit whenever he could venture to do so, and brought me my food when Tom was on duty.

Curious to investigate the manners of the country, Mannering took the advantage of a pause in good Mr. Bertram's string of stories to inquire what Captain Hatteraick so earnestly wanted with the gipsy woman. 'O, to bless his ship, I suppose. You must know, Mr.

Dell was anxious to know the value of the bales of peltry, and constantly urged his brother for permission to ride to the railroad and inquire. "What's your hurry?" was Joel's rejoinder. "I haven't shouted yet. I'm not sure that we're out of the woods. Let's win for sure first." "But we ought to write to Mr. Paul and Mr. Quince," urged the younger boy, by way of a double excuse.

To these may be added the following specimen: "I don't inquire from what quarter the wind cometh, but whither it goeth; and, if any measure that comes from the Right Honorable Gentleman tends to the public good, my bark is ready." Of a different kind is that grand passage, "America, they tell me, has resisted I rejoice to hear it," which Mr. The Speech of Mr.

Having, perhaps, reason to fear that the Pope might be hurried on, by the shouts of the many, to lay upon him some charge to which he did not feel himself called, he besought the Pope that he would not make him a victim to men's arbitrary will, but that he would inquire, as it was his duty to do, how God had determined to dispose of him.

I believe I saw in some of the weekly papers that it would be well to appoint a commission to inquire The LORD CHIEF BARON I cannot allow you to proceed with that subject. COSTELLO I will not say another word. I will conclude now. There is much I could say, yet a man in my position cannot help speaking.

Every few moments, spite of my oath, I was upon the point of starting up, and rushing into the street, to inquire where I was; but remembering Harry's injunctions, and my own ignorance of the town, and that it was now so late, I again tried to be composed.

He glared at me malignantly, then, taking the pipe out of his mouth, said that he did not know, that he had been down below to inquire and light his pipe, but could get neither light nor answer from the children. I asked him where he came from, but he evaded the question by asking where I was going to. "To the Pont y Gwr Drwg," said I. He then asked me if I was an Englishman.

It thus appears that mathematics is the only department of science into the methods of which it still remains to inquire. We there remarked, that the directly inductive truths of mathematics are few in number; consisting of the axioms, together with certain propositions concerning existence, tacitly involved in most of the so-called definitions.