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During the operation, the measuring roller and its subsequent train of wheels and shafts indicates the length of yarn which has passed over, also the number of "cuts" or "pieces" of any desired length; in addition, part of the measuring and marking mechanism uses an ink-pad to mark the yarn at the end of each cut, such mark to act as a guide for the weaver, and to indicate the length of warp which has been woven.

The coroner rapped sharply; but I had said what I wished to say, and sat down. The witnesses of the morning were ordered to be brought out. Sylvester arranged his ink-pad and sheets of paper. "It seems to me," remarked the coroner, with a smile, "that you and Mr. Godfrey would better register, too. You were within striking distance."

He said Mahbub was a splendid subject, because he had hypnotised him hundreds of times, and had him under perfect control. Then he placed an ink-pad on the table in front of him nothing else. My father wrote his name and the date upon the top sheet of a pad of paper, and Señor Silva placed it before Mahbub.

The conclusion was confirmed when they took an ink-pad impression of the ball of my right thumb and fell to comparing it with one of the record prints. After a time the inspector put me on the rack, beginning by demanding my name. Meaning to lie only when there should be no alternative, I told him a half-truth.

Goldberger looked at it, then handed it to Sylvester, who fairly seized it, carried it to the door, and examined it with gleaming eyes. Then, without a word, he took an ink-pad from his pocket, slipped the glove upon his right hand, inked the tips of the fingers and pressed them carefully upon a sheet of paper.

Brother opened the two packages eagerly. That from Daddy Morrison was a little wooden block and a set of rubber type with an ink-pad, so that Brother might play at printing. He knew his letters and, if someone helped him, could spell a number of words. Dick's parcel contained a little silver collar for the new puppy, so made that it could be made larger for him as he grew. "Oh, Dick!"

They've used the wrong ink-pad! Can't you see that there's violet upon it, while we always use the black pad!" I took it in my hand, and there, sure enough, I saw traces of violet ink upon it the ink of the pad for the date-stamp upon the Consul's table. "Then some document has been stamped and sealed!" I gasped. "Yes. And my signature forged to it, no doubt.