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Then, looking on the bloody corpse of him from whom he had received so deep an injury, he repeated the solemn words of Scripture, "'Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord, and I will repay it. I, whom thou hast injured, will be first to render thee the decent offices due to the dead."

On examination, Christy found that, though the Pedee had been terribly battered in her upper works, she was not materially injured below the water line. He sent for Mr. Caulbolt, and required him to inspect the engine, which was not injured in any important part.

Whilst he was thus engaged his left hand struck somewhat sharply against the corner of the cigar-box in his pocket, that which contained the relic of the queen Ma-Mee. The pain caused him to glance at his fingers to see if they were injured, and to perceive on one of them the ring he wore. Surely, surely it was not the same that the Director-General had given him!

'There is within this abbey, as men tell me, a shield, said King Bagdemagus, 'which no man may bear about his neck, but he is injured or slain within three days. Yet to-morrow I will adventure to win it. In the morning, therefore, after they had heard mass, King Bagdemagus asked the abbot to show him where was the shield.

I helped you out, you know. You owe me a good turn, you do." "All right, Professor Hobbs. I believe I do owe you my wife to be. They would have carried her off or injured her in some way," said the now anxious Hardwicke. "You bet your sweet life they would!" said the strange Western savant, more forcibly than elegantly.

With them were some of the old means of enjoyment, the books, the pencil, the guitar; but where the wash-tub and the axe are so constantly in requisition, there is not much time and pliancy of hand for these. In the inner room the master of the house was seated; he had been sitting there long, for he had injured his foot on ship-board, and his farming had to be done by proxy.

Upon this the Arab seized a gun, which he loaded with a ball, and fired at only a few paces distant from the negro's breast; but the negro, instead of being injured by the shot, stooped to the ground and picked up the ball, which had fallen inoffensive at his feet." It seems strange that Adams should have omitted their extraordinary stories in his narrative; for he frequently expressed to Mr.

By it, no orphans starving, no widows weeping; by it, none wounded in feeling, none injured in interest. And what a noble ally this to the cause of political freedom! With such an aid, its march cannot fail to be on and on, until every son of earth shall drink in rich fruition the sorrow-quenching draughts of perfect liberty!

He gave a rapid glance of surprise at the unusual surroundings, and went at once to the bed. Vogt had risen at his entrance. Andreae nodded to him, and pointing to Klitzing, asked: "Has he never recovered consciousness?" "No, sir." The medical-officer then bent his head to the injured man's chest, and listened to his breathing for some time. Finally he felt his pulse.

It has been my lot to enjoy in various capitals of the modern world many of the things which men who have a deep feeling for art most rejoice in, but never have I known anything more uplifting and ennobling than these simple commemorations. From one evil which has greatly injured many American university faculties, especially in the middle and western States, we were virtually free.