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He did not seem to be excited, alarmed, or discomposed. He gazed at me curiously. "So you risked your life to save mine, eh? you canary-colored teacher of infants." I blushed modestly, and drew my shawl tightly over my yellow flannel nightgown. "You love me, Mary Jane, don't deny it! This trembling shows it!" He drew me closely toward him, and said, with his deep voice tenderly modulated:

It is a good rule that works both ways and the gentlemen should also have told us, that three of our infants in the cradle, are to be rated as high as five of the working negroes of Virginia. Mr. N. adverted to a statement of Mr.

On the side away from Atuona, the sheltering promontory was a nursery of coco-trees. Some were mere infants, none had attained to any size, none had yet begun to shoot skyward with that whip- like shaft of the mature palm. In the young trees the colour alters with the age and growth.

There were so many widows, bairns, and infants seeking redress for their husbands, kin, and friends that were cruelly slain by wicked murderers, and many for hireling theft and murder, that it would have pitied any man to have heard the same."

When he could sufficiently control his feeling of elation, he looked down at the small person with an air of condescension and again lent himself to the garbled sort of language with which defenceless infants are inevitably persecuted. "Tink of dat horrid old woman wanting to steal our own little oppsie, woppsie, toppsie babykins," he said. Then he turned to Zoie with an air of great decision.

Pledges were given and repeated by his friends there, that they would have no god but Allah, that they would withhold their hands from what was not their own, that they would flee fornication, that they would not kill new-born infants, that they would shun slander, and that they would obey God's messenger as far as was reasonable: these are the practical reforms which Islam at this time demanded.

The infants, after having passed the age of seven, will be removed into the different departments for older boys and girls. Before leaving this period, it may be proper to recur to the following miscellaneous points, respecting the Scriptural Knowledge Institution for Home and Abroad, with reference to the period from July 14, 1844, to May 26, 1846.

Grier answered, shaking her head, "he does say they are all saved. But the elders, they say that the confession of faith teaches that elect infants are saved, and of course it follows that those not elect are lost. My father, Mr. Ward, was a real old-fashioned Christian, and I must say that was what I was taught to believe, and I hold by it.

And that's the gallant Water Rat, a terrible fighter, walking along o' him! And yonder comes the famous Mr. Mole, of whom you so often have heard your father tell!" But when their infants were fractious and quite beyond control, they would quiet them by telling how, if they didn't hush them and not fret them, the terrible grey Badger would up and get them.

Both hero and heroine Havelok, who should be King of Denmark and Goldborough, who should be Queen of England are ousted by their treacherous guardian-viceroys as infants; and Havelok is doomed to drowning by his tutor, the greater or at least bolder villain of the two.