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He crept in unheard, glanced round to see that the lower room was empty, and then went softly up the stairs, his well-soaked boots making as little noise as if they had been of indiarubber.

"I'm not going to be bribed into silence!" I cried; "I'd sooner starve;" and, going quickly to the window, I hurled the ball down, before drawing back, and then approaching the opening again to peer down from behind one of the white dimity curtains, where, unseen myself, I could watch Mercer slowly winding up the string till the indiarubber ball reached his hands, when, after a doleful look up, he ducked down behind the bushes with the school bag and walked cautiously away.

It had come to Lewisham as a great discovery. He had seen it first in a shop window full of indiarubber goods, and it lay at the bottom of a glass bowl In which goldfish drifted discontentedly to and fro. But the wearing of a bright red tie would have been unexpected a bright red tie after the fashion of a South-Western railway guard's!

She rose to escape the pang, and went to the window of the parlour which looked toward the street, where she saw the figure of a young man draped in a long indiarubber gossamer coat fluttering in the wind that pushed him along as he tacked on a southerly course; he bowed and twisted his head to escape the lash of the rain.

The numerous spectators on the wharfs of Prince's Docks admired likewise a long mahogany whaler, a tin pirogue covered with gutta-percha, and a certain quantity of halkett-boats, a sort of indiarubber cloaks that can be transformed into canoes by blowing in their lining. Expectation was on the qui vive, for the Forward was going out with the tide.

"At least, I thought I'd dropped a piece of indiarubber; but it doesn't matter, I've two or three others." Enid waited a moment to let her pass, then, following, found all the class collected in a group outside the pantry door, talking over the examination and comparing the answers to the sums. "What have you got for No. 5, Vera?" said Kitty Harrison. "Wasn't it a most horribly difficult one?"

Fil-thy woman!" Bugrov seized her by the elbow, shook her, and flung her like an indiarubber ball towards the window. . . . "Wretched, vulgar woman! you have no shame!" She flew towards the window, hardly touching the floor with her feet, and caught at the curtains with her hands. "Hold your tongue," shouted her husband, going up to her with flashing eyes and stamping his foot.

Two mornings later the conspirators stood gazing guiltily at a stout square box, connected with the gas-bracket by a length of indiarubber tubing. "Not a sound," said Elsie; "he never stirred; it must have been quite painless. All the same I feel rather horrid now it's done." "The ghastly part has to come," said Strudwarden, turning off the gas.

Joe experienced a growing sense of disillusionment. There was nothing about the Indiarubber Man's conversation to justify high hopes of laughter-provoking humour. Joe handed the Indiarubber Man his cup with the air of one prepared to enjoy at all events the spectacle of a juggling trick with the teaspoon or saucer.

The men were yawning and rubbing their eyes, while the women, with characteristic activity and self-denial, were gathering together the few scraps of food that remained from the previous night's supper. "There is a bear just round the point so Ippe says what's to be done?" asked Rooney on entering. Up jumped the four men and two boys as if they had been made of indiarubber.