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Precisely similar scenes are enacted between the British government and the protected potentates of India; the agents for rival princes contend for regal rights in London, where the government of India is in the last resort controlled. Before setting out on his journey "he called his ten servants," &c. These men were his servants or slaves.

The term of the exclusive trade granted by act of parliament to the East India company drawing towards a period, many considerable merchants and others made application forbeing incorporated and vested with the privilege of trading to those countries, proposing to lay that branch of trade open to all the subjects of Great Britain on certain conditions.

They're a religious people of India," the girl from Tillbury said. "And maybe they've got it right," Tom said stubbornly. "Why should we kill unnecessarily?" Nan could have hugged him. At any rate, a new feeling for him was born at that moment, and she applauded. Aunt Kate said: "Tom always was soft-hearted," and her big son became silent.

That idea of the loving Father, of divine Law and Love in one person, is new to Hinduism. The law of God may be only imperfectly apprehended, but the loving Fatherhood of God, the approachable one, has become manifest in India one of Christianity's dynamic doctrines. Strangest confirmation of all, a Mahomedan preacher of Behar a few years ago was expounding from the Koran the Fatherhood of God.

With regard to the pilgrimage, I will venture to quote the opinion of one of the most distinguished and loyal Mohammedans in India, who has lately been advocating the claims of his co-religionists on the Indian Government for protection in this and other matters.

I found him sitting on the lowest step of the staircase, just outside the door. "My God, Helen," he gasped, "it isn't only this last year she has forgotten. She has gone back five years." "Oh no, dear George," I said; "you are mistaken. She remembers everything up to a year ago. You know she remembered about your going to India." "That is nothing," he said impatiently.

"I've seen something of campaigning, and it's rough work at the best, even in India, where soldiers are as well off as officers here." "Officers!" said McKay, rather bitterly. "They have the best of it everywhere." "Hush! don't be an insubordinate young idiot," interposed his comrade, hastily. "Here come two of them."

But countless legends soon sprang up to mar the simplicity of Gautama's ethics. Corruptions crept in. Compromises were made with popular superstitions and with Hindu Saktism. The monastic orders sank into corruption, and by the ninth century of our era the system had been wholly swept from India.

One realized that afternoon that the Canadians had lighted a fire in London that would not easily be put out. "No, I am a native of your own London," said Crondall; "but I admit to having learned most of the little I know in Canada, South Africa, India, and Australia. And if there is one thing I have learned very thoroughly in those countries, it is to love England.

It is thus that in mature age the fakir's learned pupil reasons, and he becomes one of the lights of India; the more subtle his mind, the more false is it, and he forms later minds as false as his.