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I must pass over these particulars, which were to me the height of enjoyment, but are too trivial to bear repeating: indeed, true happiness is indescribable, it is only to be felt, and this consciousness of felicity is proportionately more, the less able we are to describe it; because it does not absolutely result from a concourse of favorable incidents, but is an affection of the mind itself.

"Oh, but you should have seen me the day Pete came!" cried Marion, with a pathetic little laugh. "I've actually got some flesh on my bones now." Indescribable luxuries followed: a hot bath, wonderful clean garments, and Claire's happy fingers combing the tangles out of the tawny hair. "But I'll never be really and truly clean again, Claire!" cried Marion ruefully, holding out her hands.

The shell after breaking the tree had glanced, first striking General Kirgener, who was instantly killed, and then the Duke of Frioul. Monsieurs Yvan and Larrey were with the wounded marshal, who had been carried into a house at Markersdorf. There was no hope of saving him. The consternation of the army and his Majesty's grief on this deplorable event were indescribable.

He had been at her side often in church, but through all his tender silence and consideration she had divined the constant struggle in him between love and intellectual honesty, and it had filled her with a dumb irritation and misery indescribable.

"Yes," he said, "we ought to place a good many thousand tons with them." Gaultier leant forward to strike a match and glanced at their companion. For some indescribable reason he shared Brett's views concerning this gentleman, and immediately started a conversation of general significance.

To this part of her speech the Judge listened with indescribable confusion and grief and with evident repugnance. As though fearing what she might say further, he bowed his head, made a gesture of assent, and flushed deeply. Telimena concluded by saying:— “I have had the care of her; I am of her kin, Zosia’s only guardian. No one but me shall ever plan her happiness!”

In the search among my dear father's papers we found two sheafs of letters, neatly tied up and labelled these were from my uncle Silas. My cousin Monica looked down upon these papers with a strange smile; was it satire was it that indescribable smile with which a mystery which covers a long reach of years is sometimes approached? These were odd letters.

My lady friend sang another solo, and then began an indescribable scene. Chief John was first introduced to us, as we stood on a raised platform with a rail in front. The dear old man seemed much moved, and burst into an oration full of gratitude for our coming to visit his people.

As such times all was brightness, and life, and gayety; the atmosphere was of an indescribable pureness and transparency; the birds broke forth in wanton madrigals, and the freshening breezes wafted the vessel merrily on her course.

Did she not save my life? Was she not a mother to me in my sorest need? And you, Dolores " He stopped short, and seemed somewhat confused and agitated. "Yes," said Dolores, in a tone of indescribable tenderness; "yes, she loved you the dear mamma like a mother, and has always talked about you.