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There were courage, earnestness, and humility in this young ruler's impulsive casting of himself at Christ's feet in the way, with such a question.

Much that society complains of in the lives of artists would never exist but for this isolation, in spite of the fact that the artistic temperament is so moody and so impulsive, so little regardful of ordinary conventionalities. That it is so is partly the fault of society.

A more impulsive, irresponsible, regardless-of-consequences young woman I never saw. She can play divinely, and write delightful songs, I'll acknowledge; but what is that when a man is hungry, or has lost a button?

But the reasoning went on: If he really loved, and told her so, wherein was the self-sacrifice? She had reproached him with coming to her with his suit hotfoot upon his knowledge of her shameful proffer of herself to another man; of her refusal by him. Could he have been so blind as not to have seen, as she did, the shameful aspect of his impulsive act?

With an impulsive movement she went over and closed the piano. "I'll only open it when you ask me to," she said. The process of elimination was simple enough. There was a touch of melancholy in Myra's measurement of relationships, in her consciousness of their frailty. People fell away easily, leaving her and Oliver to their chosen isolation.

The system of government as a whole was worked in direct contravention of the principle of responsibility to the majority in the popular house. Political agitators had abundant opportunities for exciting popular passion. In Lower Canada, Papineau, an eloquent but impulsive man, having rather the qualities of an agitator than those of a statesman, led the majority of his compatriots.

"I am going because I Want to see Arline Hawley." She raised her hand to the bandage. "I have a sore throat," she stated, staring hard at him. Then, with one of her impulsive changes, she smiled wistfully. "You'll be my friend, Polycarp, won't you?" she pleaded. "I can trust you, I know, with my secret. It is a secret it must be a secret! I'll tell you the truth, Polycarp.

"But she's so different," said Tom, choking back a sob. "Lucy couldn't be so so airy, so heartless. She isn't at all that style of a girl, miss." "She may be acting," suggested Beth. But he shook his head gloomily. "No; Lucy couldn't act that way. She's quick and impulsive, but she she couldn't act. And she wouldn't treat me that way, either, Miss Beth.

The affective setting of these different formulations is important. A delusion of literal death occurs with complete apathy. The wish to die is apt to appear without the usual accompaniment of sadness or distress but still with considerable energy when impulsive suicidal attempts are made.

Nevertheless, the young man seemed so reasonable that she became reassured. The blush left her cheeks, and her lips parted in a vague confiding smile. And from between her half-opened eyelids she began to study him. How he had frightened her the previous night with his thick brown beard, his large head, and his impulsive gestures.