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Behind the whitethorn yawned an abyss. But the impetus of her motion carried her on, and a firm grip kept her head forwards. Early next morning when the stone-breakers came to their work they found at the bottom of the precipice a dead woman and a dead horse. There were no external injuries either to the animal or her rider. The force of the fall must have killed them both.

To begin with, I will quote the following, headed "Life is the Divine impetus of Love. The Force behind the Universe is Love and from that Love is bred Desire and Creation.

Speaking generally, the trade union movement as a whole will emerge from the war in straitened circumstances. Some unions may have collapsed, and amongst others the movement in favour of amalgamation may have received an impetus owing to financial embarrassments. Their attitude, on the whole, was one of utter bewilderment.

"Yes, so I thought," said he, and went on flourishingly in his track of gracious reception. Lois kept her eyes fixed on his like some little timid animal which suspects an enemy, and watches his eyes for the first impetus of a spring. Once or twice she said, "Yes, sir," faintly. "Your niece does not look very strong," Mr. Tuxbury said to Mrs. Field. "She ain't been feelin' very well this spring.

And many persons hearing the wails of horsemen and foot-soldiers struck with the tusks and other limbs of elephants or crushed by the impetus of those huge creatures rushing in close ranks, fell down on the field of battle.

The official reformers, reinforcing the sagging inhibitions and corsets of the nineteenth century, were just the final impetus needed to drive her out into the open. The flapper is released from the strangle hold that is throttling the rest of us.

And yet she seemed to have risen through instinct to share the fire of his vision of religion revealed to the countless ranks of strugglers as the hidden motive-power of the world, the impetus of scientist, statesman, artist, and philanthropist! They had stood together on the heights of the larger view, whence the whole of the battle-line lay disclosed.

She stooped as if to fasten her moccasin, then, as their impetus carried them a few feet ahead of her before they stopped for her to come up, she darted like a flash to the left and had slid down into a little hollow before they thought of starting after her. It was now almost dark and her white fur was indistinguishable against the snow below.

But Lone Wolf was expecting it and a quick flirt of the head to one side let the mallet go harmlessly by, while the impetus of his own blow threw Hardynge forward several steps, and narrowly escaped carrying him off his feet altogether.

A girl, evidently of the demi-monde from her bold eyes, lavish display of charms and general demeanor, was turning the corner from Broadway into Houston Street immediately in front of Harding and Leslie; and as she swept around, her long dress trailing on the pavement, a careless fellow, lounging along, cigar in mouth, and eyes everywhere else than at his feet, stepped full upon her skirt, and before she could check the impetus of her sudden turn, literally tore the garment from her, the dark folds of the dress falling on the pavement and leaving the under-clothing painfully exposed.