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But the bystander said again, "Poor child!" as if a shudder of awe, of wordless compassion and bitterness, shook him. She was so beautiful, so gifted in spirit, to be thus shut in! Her inclosing flesh was so fine and sweet, it seemed impossible it could be an impassable, almost impenetrable wall.

A brilliant flash of expression filled the blue eyes and crossed his face. I could hardly tell what, before it was gone. Quick surprise pleasure amusement agreement; the first and the two last certainly; and the pleasure I could not help fancying had lent its colour to that ray of light, which had shot for one instant from those impenetrable eyes. He spoke just as usual.

When the storm cleared, impenetrable forests were seen to the water-line, and great trunks of trees swirled out to sea. On the ocean side to the west, Mount Edgecumbe towered up a dome of snow. Eastward were the bare heights of Verstovoi; and countless tiny islets gilded by the sun dotted the harbor.

An oppressive suavity of manner, an exaggerated politeness encased him in an impenetrable armor, and prevented the real man from ever being reached beneath this smooth surface. Impulses he had none. The slightest motions of his wiry frame were studied.

And now it is struck; for, starting from his trance into that unspeakable thing called his "flurry," the monster horribly wallowed in his blood, overwrapped himself in impenetrable, mad, boiling spray, so that the imperilled craft, instantly dropping astern, had much ado blindly to struggle out from that phrensied twilight into the clear air of the day.

He sprang to his feet abruptly, ashamed of his fear, took four steps, seized the drapery with both hands and pulled it wide apart. At first he saw nothing but darkened glass, resembling plates of glittering ink. The night, the vast, impenetrable night, stretched beyond as far as the invisible horizon.

But his efforts were vain, and no trace was visible of a human dwelling; though, in the dense and impenetrable foliage of the equatorial regions, the distance of a few rods might suffice to screen a city from observation.

His revolutionary career, sustained by the sentiment and trustfulness of many women, was menaced by an impenetrable mysterythe mystery of a human brain pulsating wrongfully to the rhythm of journalistic phrases. “ . . . Will hang for ever over this act. . . . It was inclining towards the gutter . . . of madness or despair.” “I am seriously ill,” he muttered to himself with scientific insight.

Then, suddenly, by the enchanter’s power, a smoke wall, dense and impenetrable, fell from above directly before the travelers, setting a barrier between them and the land to which they were bound. All at once they found themselves in a vast chamber, hemmed in on every hand by the encompassing smoke. The Shadow Witch was first to awaken to their peril.

I see them from the inside now, and their aspect is changed. And, then, I am free no longer." He sighed: "Ah, if the people only knew the little that we can do when we are powerful!" He told her his impressions. Berthier was reserved. The others were impenetrable. Loyer alone was excessively authoritative. She listened to him without attention and without impatience.