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Temporibus ergo magnorum consiliorum conueniunt illuc sapientes terrae, reputantes sibi per inspirationem immitti consilium optimum de agendis. Item ad diuisionem Thraciae et Macedoniae sunt duo mirabiliter alti montes, vnus Olympus, alter Athos, cuius vltimi vmbra oriente sole apparet ad 76. miliaria, vsque in insulam Lemnon. Iesus Christus nascetur de Virgine, et ego credo in eum.

In two of the writers, Mr. Ellis and Dr. Lawrence, we have a proof of the changeful nature of those atoms, whose concourse for the time constitutes Party, and of the volatility with which, like the motes in the sunbeam, described by Lucretius, they can "Commutare viam, retroque repulsa reverti Nunc huc, nunc illuc, in cunctas denique partes."

Atque etiam, cum hominis natura morte dissolvitur, ceterarum rerum perspicuum est quo quaeque discedat, abeunt enim illuc omnia, unde orta sunt; animus autem solus nec cum adest nec cum discessit apparet.

In Marmarica vicus fuit Apis, nobilis religione Agypti locus. Fuit et Labyrinthus nullo addito ligno exadificatus, domos mille et regias duodecim perpetuo parietis ambitu amplexus, marmore exstructus et tectus, unum in se descensum habens, intus pene innumerabiles vias, multis ambagibus huc et illuc remeantibus. De incolis Agypti ac Nilo flumine; item de Libya exteriore.

"Dum in dubio est animus, paulo momento huc atque Illuc impellitur."

'Animum curis nunc huc nunc dividit illuc. Virg. When I acquaint my Reader, that I have many other Letters not yet acknowledged, I believe he will own, what I have a mind he should believe, that I have no small Charge upon me, but am a Person of some Consequence in this World. I shall therefore employ the present Hour only in reading Petitions, in the Order as follows. Mr.

In fine, it is this ungenerous treatment that has paralysed my plans, and caused me to give up the idea I once had of inserting here the newly-discovered mode of preparing quadrupeds and serpents; and without it the account of this last expedition to the wilds of Guiana is nothing but a fragment. Farewell, gentle reader. Nunc huc, nunc illuc et utrinque sine ordine curro.

Cum profecti essent Francorum Heroes Ptolemaidem, inito cum Ioanne Brenno Hierosolymorum rege concilio, Damiatam AEgypti vrbem obsidendam constituebant, anno salutis humanae 1218. Misit illuc Henricus rex, ab Honorio 3 Rom. Pontifice rogatus, cum magna armatorum manu Ranulphum, ad rem Christianum iuuandam. Cuius virtus, Polydoro teste, in eo bello miris omnium laudibus celebrata fuit.