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All that distinguishes Christianity; and makes it worth believing, or mighty, is inseparably connected with the Resurrection. I. The Resurrection of Christ declares His Sonship. Resurrection and Ascension are inseparably connected. Jesus does not rise to share again in the ills and weariness of humanity.

He who is wedded to his previous karma, although skilled in the highest spiritual wisdom, is cognisant only of his soul's objective existence, but the person whose soul is never affected by the objective conditions around, is never subject to ills, owing to its absorption in the elementary spirit of Brahma.

It was demonstrated that the steam consumption of the turbines was greatly increased due to priming of the boilers, as well as condensation in the turbine casing; hence, the ills above mentioned were aggravated. Changes in Piping

Leaving out of view the question as to the exact interpretation of the facts of life, this optimism is ethically useful as giving cheerfulness and enthusiasm to moral life, with power of enduring ills through the conviction of the ultimate triumph of the right.

However, he made no complaint, and for a very good reason, since he could not speak a word of Spanish; and, moreover, he still felt so joyful over his concealment of the treasure, that he was able to bear with considerable equanimity all the lesser ills of life. In a few minutes he found himself ushered into the presence of the Carlist chief.

Unlike not a few families and clans who can boast of a lineage almost if not quite as ancient and noble as their own, their name and fame are not "to hastening ills a prey." The lapse of years has not dimmed the lustre of their achievements, or caused them to lie upon their oars inactive and inglorious.

All the same I find it hard to believe that they will be condemned to everlasting torments. If the supreme justice calls for vengeance, it claims it in this life. The nations of the world with their errors are its ministers. Justice uses self-inflicted ills to punish the crimes which have deserved them.

I should not take all this trouble merely to prolong the fag end of a life, from which I can expect no pleasure, and others no utility; but the cure, or at least the mitigation, of those physical ills which make that life a load while it does last, is worth any trouble and attention. We are come off but scurvily from our second attempt upon St.

It is interesting to know that he did more; that amid the consideration of mere personal interests he was vigilantly pursuing the study of the higher phases of the great moral and political struggle on which the nation was just entering, little dreaming, however, of the part he was destined to act in it. SPRINGFIELD, ILLS., August 15, 1855 Hon. GEO. ROBERTSON, Lexington, Ky.

"I have known it have that effect before now on other people," he thought, "and why might not the same happen to these fair damsels; who, though lovely as angels, can scarcely escape from 'all the ills that flesh is heir to, amongst which a cold, attended with hoarseness, can hardly be reckoned the worst?"