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A little boy left a letter for me at my office here; it is an ill-written scrawl, as you see, but certainly important." Ned took the paper, on which was written in a scrawling hand: "Sir, Maister Sankey be innocent of the murder of Foxey. I doan't want to put my neck in a noose, but if so be as they finds him guilty in coort and be a-going to hang him, I shall come forward and say as how I did it.

Should you, Sir, be unsatisfied with my ill-written and confused information, I beg of you to consider that I am merely a seaman, unpracticed in literary composition. Ramusio. Clarke I. 298. This voyage was communicated by the relator to Count Raimond della Torre, a nobleman of Verona. Clarke.

And would any one say 'Demon' in such a serious context?" "Oh, my God!" said John, pale and trembling. At last he understood. Add two letters to "Demon" and you have "Desmond." How easily such a mistake could be made! "Desmond," ill-written, handed to an old Manorite to copy and despatch. "It's Scaife it's Scaife," John cried.

To Arnold, with this man by his side, the amazing story which he had gathered from those ill-written pages, with their abrupt words and brutal cynicism, still ringing in his brain, their errand seemed like some phantasmal thing. The familiar streets bore a different aspect; the faces of the people whom they passed struck him always with a curious note of unreality. Ruth was Sabatini's daughter!

'T is from Roger Matherson, of whom you have heard me speak." My mother was a good scholar, and she read clearly, only hesitating now and, then over some ill-written or misspelled word. At FORT DEARBORN, near the head of the Great Lake. Twelfth June, 1812.

To speak according to pangenesis, the gemmules of hybrids are not injured, for hybrids propagate freely by buds; but their reproductive organs are somehow affected, so that they cannot accumulate the proper gemmules, in nearly the same manner as the reproductive organs of a pure species become affected when exposed to unnatural conditions. This is a very ill-expressed and ill-written letter.

FRENCH PERIODICALS. A Parisian correspondent of the London Literary Gazette observes, that if we exclude the Revue des Deux Mondes a, sort of cross between the English Quarterly and the monthlies, if we exclude also a few dry scientific periodicals, and one or two theatrical or musical newspapers, we shall seek in vain for any Quarterly, or Blackwood, or Art Union, or Literary Gazette; and that even the periodicals and journals which make the nearest approach to the weekly, monthly, or quarterly publications of England, are either wretched compilations, or abominably ill-written and ill-printed.

And I went out into the silent square and posted the note forthwith, because I knew quite clearly that if I left it until morning I should never post it at all. I had a curious revulsion of feeling that morning of our meeting. But the ill-written scrawl in which she had replied had been full of the suggestion of her own weakness and misery.

She had no doubt that her note must appear excessively ill-written, that the language would disgrace a child, for her distress had allowed no arrangement; but at least it would assure them both of her being neither imposed on nor gratified by Mr. Crawford's attentions. Fanny had by no means forgotten Mr.

Let's open it first: big envelope, ill-written address, Paris postmark. Hallo! a smaller envelope inside, and on it: ANTOINE AND MARIE PLUMET. Poor souls! they have no visiting-cards. But kind hearts are more than pasteboard. Ten months ago little Madame Plumet, then still unmarried, was in a terrible bother.