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Why oh, I beg your pardon, I'm sure, sir. I didn't know you at first; it's her ladyship's son, isn't it?" "Yes, of course. I want to see her directly." "But you can't, sir. She won't be down this two hours." "Go and tell my mother I am here, and that I want to see her on important business." "Very well, sir; but I know I shall get into trouble for disturbing her," said the maid ill-humouredly.

Manuel was glad to be left by himself with Reverte, contemplating the house, the yard, the ditch; he turned the carrousel round and it creaked ill-humouredly; he climbed up the swing frame, looked down at the hens, teased the pig a little and then ran up and down with the dog chasing after him barking merrily in feigned fury.

'You see, he said presently, 'you got hot yesterday and then you would drink water out of the Jew's pewter pot and unbutton your jacket. You have caught cold. 'It's nothing, she said ill-humouredly, pulled herself together and warmed up the supper. Jendrek crept out and took a spoon, but cried instead of eating.

Carr? You have, as I said to her, the true eye of the artist." Without changing her position or moving a step into the room, Gabriella attentively regarded the gown and the wearer. From the mirror Mrs. Pletheridge stared back at her ill-humouredly, with a spiteful gleam in her small black eyes between the carefully darkened lids.

It was Gourdon who greeted his subordinate, somewhat ill-humouredly, for he was indulging in a little sleep, with his toes turned to the fire, as the night was so damp and cold. But when he heard Tournefort's story, he was all eagerness and zeal.

"You know perfectly well, Rodney, how this sort of thing annoys me. I suppose the next thing you will be telling me is that one of them came with his spear and behaved as one of Captain Cook's friends says the Australian blacks behaved to the girls they wanted to steal for their wives." "No, I don't, uncle," cried the boy ill-humouredly. "I don't know what Captain Cook's friends say.

Ellen's cheeks were tingling and her heart throbbing, but she couldn't bear to give up. "Would you be so good as to show me some gray?" He slowly and ill-humouredly complied, and took down an excellent piece of dark gray, which Ellen fell in love with at once; but she was again disappointed; it was fourteen shillings.

Her primal qualities of force, restraint, and capability were the last things these superficial observers would have thought of; and yet it was by these qualities that she must succeed or fail in her struggle for life. When she reached Dinard's she found Miss Smith, the only woman in Madame's employ who was ever punctual, ill-humouredly poking the spring hats out of the cases.

Turn to the right, and go on." "Why should I go to the right?" retorted my driver, ill-humouredly. "How do you know where the road is that you are so ready to say, 'Other people's horses, other people's harness whip away!" It seemed to me the driver was right. "Why," said I to the stranger, "do you think a house is not far off?"

Svidrigailov walked along the slippery dirty wooden pavement towards the Little Neva. He was picturing the waters of the Little Neva swollen in the night, Petrovsky Island, the wet paths, the wet grass, the wet trees and bushes and at last the bush.... He began ill-humouredly staring at the houses, trying to think of something else. There was not a cabman or a passer-by in the street.