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Donal looked at her; his face was in the light reflected from the opposite gray precipice: she thought it looked white and strange, and grew more frightened, but dared not speak. Presently Donal again began to sing, and this is something like what he sang: "Death! whaur do ye bide, auld Death?" "I bide in ilka breath," Quo' Death.

Ilka Sabbath day is Easter day, I'm tellin' ye. Is oor Lord no' aye risin' frae the dead? Gin a soul braks intil new life, or a deein' man pillows his weary heid on Him, or the heavy-herted staun' up in His michty strength, ye hae yir Easter Sabbath; an' that's ilka Sabbath, I'm sayin'. Nane o' yir enawmelled bit toys for Presbyterian fowk."

"But I'm no sure but they would miss her care as much to bide here, as to go there. And Janet, woman, there's aye a kind Providence. He that said, `Leave thy fatherless children to me, winna forsake the motherless. There's no fear but they'll be brought through." "I hae been saying that to myself ilka hour of the day, and I believe it surely. But oh, mother," Janet's voice failed her.

Dishart," Struthers said savagely. "Andrew Struthers," said Gavin solemnly, "in the name of God I order you to leave me alone. If you don't," he added ferociously, "I'll fling you over the stair." "Dinna heed him, Andrew," some one shouted and another cried, "He canna understand our sufferings; he has dinner ilka day." Struthers faltered, however, and Gavin cast his eye over the armed men.

"Noo a 'm judgin' that ilka ane o's is savit juist as we are baptised intae the Lord's death, and ilka time ane o's keeps back a hot word, or humbles a proud heart, or serves anither at a cost, we have eaten the Body and drunk the Blood o' the Lord." "You are a good woman," cried Kate, in her impulsive way, so quick to be pleased or offended. "May I come to see you some day?"

I am sure ony sma' thing they might want frae my shop, under seven, or eight, or ten pounds, I would book them as readily for it as the first in the country. Do they come in the auld chaise? 'I daresay no, said the precentor; 'for Miss Bertram comes on the white powny ilka day to the kirk and a constant kirk-keeper she is and it's a pleasure to hear her singing the psalms, winsome young thing.

And I hae heard wise folk say, that if the same had been done in ilka kirk in Scotland, the Reform wad just hae been as pure as it is e'en now, and we wad hae mair Christian-like kirks; for I hae been sae lang in England, that naething will drived out o' my head, that the dog-kennel at Osbaldistone Hall is better than mony a house o' God in Scotland."

For she had never given up the hope that this adored little pet would some day return to her. "Havers, lassie, ye're aye seein' Bobby i' ilka Hielan' terrier, an' there's mony o' them aboot." The gude-wife looked from an attic window in the steep gable, and then hurried down. "Weel, noo, ye're richt, Elsie. He wad be comin' wi' the regiment frae the Castle.

Be there soon, sorrowful eyed woman. The sea hurts me. Your hands are cool saints. Cover me with them. The sea is burning on me. Help then... please help... cover me. Save me. Cure me, friend. He destroyed it. Ilka Leipke was enraged. She said that Mechenmal was coarse. The little man had soothed her with loving caresses. Later he sat down at the girl's writing-table.

Ye've found at last blind that ye've been! that it's yer ain hell's tyke that's the Killer; and noo ye think by yer leein' impitations to throw the blame on ma Wullie. Ye rob me o' ma Cup, ye rob me o' ma son, ye wrang me in ilka thing; there's but ae thing left me Wullie. And noo ye're set on takin' him awa'. But ye shall not I'll kill ye first!"