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Jeremy picked up an ostrich egg, painted with a clump of viciously green coconut palms and a cottony surf; he put it down with an absent smile and impatiently fingered a volume of "The Life of Harriet Atwood Newell." She was one of the missionaries who had gone out on the Caravan, with Augustine Heard, to India, but forbidden to land there had died not long after on the Ile de France.

It bears a motto and the date 1586, and owes its origin to Humfrey Walrond. Ilton, a village on the Ile, 2 m. N. of Ilminster. It has a church of some interest. Keinton-Mandeville, a large village 4 m. E.N.E. of Somerton, lying for the most part along the Castle Cary road, with a station on the Castle Cary and Langport loop-line. The church is in a field at the S. extremity of the village.

If I find the clime Does to our constitutions promise life, Ile come to you and in those happy shades Will live in peace eternally. Alas, I feare shees Irrecoverable. Twas Ill don to affright her thus. Mag. Expect the best: The Gentleman will perswade her. Tho.

Deliver up your prisoner to the Teniente. I need not, sir, instruct you in your place To beare him with a guard as is appointed Unto the publicke tryall held at Sherrys. Ten. It shalbe done. Fer. How long hath he bene your prisoner? Jay. 18 days. Fer. You & the Surgeons out of the Kings pay Ile see dischargd.

The French at Louisbourg, after their first attempt to bring the Acadians to Ile Royale, relapsed into inaction. They still hoped doubtless that Acadia would be restored to France, and while they would have been glad to welcome the Acadians, they perceived the advantage of keeping them under French influence in British territory. In order to do this they had at their hand convenient means.

Captaine, within this Castle in ready coyne I have a thousand ducketts: doe me one curtesie, It shalbe brought out presently. Cap. What is it? For I have use of money. Mod. Doe but shoot me, Clap both your Pistolls into me. Cap. No, I thanck ye, I know a trick worth ten o'that: ile love ye And bring ye to those men that love to see ye.

Would it not have been more rational to inscribe the name of Rousseau in this national temple, and leave his corpse to rot undisturbed, in the Ile des Peupliers, at Ermenonville. Though circumstances prevented me from ascending to the dome, you will, no doubt, expect me to say something of its exterior architecture.

Only to see the wide deluged plain, the round drenched groves, the maraises and sinuous coolées shining with their floods, and long lines of benumbed, wet cattle seeking in patient, silent Indian file for warmer pastures. They knew it all by heart. Yonder farthest île is Sosthène's. The falling flood makes it almost undiscernible.

"Checking?" "Yes, ma'am. Goin' in shaller cracks all over, 's wood's apt to do without it's properly treated beforehand. Sometimes 'twould crack clean through ef 'twarnt for the ile." In his new position John is apt "to go in shaller cracks all over," unless his feminine trainer has been judicious in the use of lubricants assuasive and dissuasive.

This Iland yeeldeth no other commodity but onely orchell; it standeth in 27 degrees distant from the Equator toward the pole Arcticke. The Ile of Palma. The Ile of Palma standeth twelue leagues distant from the Ile of Gomera Northwestward.