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You owe it to your pa and I. A hat you must 'ave. I can pay for it out of the housekeeping money, and your pa will never know the difference. 'No, mamma, but you and Vernon will have to pinch for it, said Ida, knowing that there was positively no margin to that household's narrow means of existence. 'A little pinching won't hurt us.

Ida and Mary were walking down the street together. "Go ahead!" Sid called to Walter. "Oh, you're welcome," replied Walter sarcastically. "Not the least trouble, thank you. Glad at any time " Sid shot at him an angry glance over his shoulder. "I'd like to know who had a better right to haul me out of the ditch?" he said sneeringly. Jack, with the twins, had run on.

"Yes," he said, "it was rather pitiful, and there was a certain ghastly irony in the situation; but, after all, as he once admitted, there was very little that gold could have given him." Ida sat silent a moment or two. She was sorry for Grenfell, but he had, as his comrade said, gone on, and she was more concerned about the results of his discovery to those who were left behind.

Perhaps you will go with us, for I know what I have to say will interest you also." "I think I'll light another cigar and wait for you here," Mr. Mayhew answered quietly. "Old people like to sit still after their day's work, and if Ida feels strong enough I would enjoy hearing the rest of the concert." "It would be hard to resist the temptation to hear anything about dear old Mr.

So to the newspaper, the post office, the store, the mail route, the heavy hauling, we added an Indian trading post, trading groceries for fence posts; subscriptions to The Wand for berries very few of them could read it, but they didn't mind that it was a trade. Joe Two-Hawk became a mediator and interpreter until Ida Mary and I learned enough of the Sioux language to carry on.

Something was lurking in the shadows of the future which menaced their peace and security. She was ever mindful of the fact that Tunis had gone sponsor for her identity as Ida May. Should her imposture be revealed, her first duty would be to protect him. How could she do this? What tale could she concoct to make it seem that he was as much duped as were Cap'n Ball and Prudence?

When she had gone, the three visiting women looked at one another, and the same covert expression of gratified malice, at some one having spoken out what was in their inmost hearts, was upon all three faces. Ida was impassive, with her smiling lips contracted. Mrs. Applegate again murmured something about uniting in prayer. Maria came hurrying down-stairs.

There's a hot oven," replied the girl. "No, no," interposed Cap'n Ira firmly. "I want you should sit in here with us and hear all the elder's got to say." "Perhaps, Uncle Ira, he will want to talk to you and Aunt Prue privately." "There won't be no private talk about you, Ida May," snorted the captain, his keen eyes sparkling. "Not much!

He had wired for a carriage and pair to meet them at Bryndermere, and Ida leant back and tried to be patient, then to look unconcerned and calm and composed; but she uttered a little cry and nearly broke down when the carriage stopped at the familiar gate, and Jessie, who was standing there, with her hair blown wild by the wind, forgot the inequalities of their positions, and catching her beloved young mistress to her bosom crooned and sobbed over her.

Then Ida thought that the time for her carefully-led-up-to coup had arrived. "I try to," said she, meekly. "You do." Ida began to speak, then she hesitated, with timid eyes on her husband's face. "What is it, dear?" asked he. "Well, I have been thinking a good deal lately about Maria and her associates in school here." "Why, what is the matter with them?" Harry asked, uneasily.