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Schumann and Kierulf were his favorites, so he performed "Du bist die Ruh," "My loved one, I am prison'd" "Ich grolle nicht," "Die alten bösen Lieder," "I lay my all, love, at thy feet," "Aus meiren grossen Schmerzen mach' ich die kleinen Lieder" all with the same calm superiority, and that light, half-sportive accompaniment.

A bullet struck his wheel and sent the smashed wood flying. He nose-dived for his own lines and Tam glared down after him. Müller reached his aerodrome and was laughing quietly when he descended. "I met Tam," he said to his chief; "he tried to ram me at sixteen thousand feet Oh, yes. I came down, but ich habe das nicht gewollt! I did not will it!"

Kleist interested himself in Loeben sufficiently to publish one of his short stories in his Abendblätter, but only after he had so thoroughly revised it that Reinhold Steig says: "Ich würde als Herausgeber die Erzählung sogar unter Kleists Parerga aufnehmen."

"Oh, liebchen," he breathed in tender passion, as she nestled close to him, "ich liebe dich!" It put him very much out of patience to have his eyes bothering him just when he was so anxious to work. What in the world was the matter with them, he wondered, as he directed a couple of students on some work they were helping him with.

"Ach Gott!" she sighed by way of comment, and mused deeply for a moment before she turned her face to me, as to something forgotten and remembered, and assumed the half-hearted meretricious smile. "Bin ich eine hubsche?" she asked like one who repeats a lesson. I was moved to crave her pardon and come away.

The colonel, the moment we entered, addressed my conductor: "Ah, , we are devilish hungry Ich bin dem Verhungern nahe and were just on the point of ordering in the provender had you not appeared." "A little more than that," thought I; for the food was already smoking on the table. Mine host acknowledged the speech with a slight smile. "But who have we here?" said one of the young dragoons.

Among his published songs are to be noted the unusually good setting of Heine's "Wenn ich in deine Augen seh'" and of his less often heard "Sapphire sind die Augen dein," and "Der Schmetterling ist in die Rose verliebt." A deservedly popular work is "I Plucked a Quill from Cupid's Wing."

Two other portraits in the National Gallery bear the signature of Jan Van Eyck. No. 222, An elderly man, head and shoulders, on the frame of which is the painter's motto, "als ich can," and his signature, "Johannes de Eyck me fecit anno 1433, 21 Octobris."

So says the disarmed man looking upward to his late foe, now become his protector. And the conqueror with grave good will takes up the burden which Providence has imposed upon him. Is not the motto of the true knight, Ich dien? Such service as he can render shall be given ungrudgingly. Now, this is not hypocrisy. It may be Christianity and Chivalry and all sorts of fine things.

Then he makes the application to Don Carlos in these words: I must confess to you that in a sense he takes the place of my sweetheart, I carry him in my heart, ich schwaerme mit ihm durch die Gegend um.... He shall have the soul of Shakspere's Hamlet, the blood and nerves of Leisewitz's Julius, and his pulse from me.