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The long years which he passed in the household of Sir William Temple, subject to the humors and caprices of his master, embittered his temper at the time of life when it should have been most buoyant and hopeful.

It is with their pride and impracticability that princes are most hurt. It is with their servility and baseness that they are most commonly disgusted. It is from their humors and cabals that they find their affairs most frequently troubled and distracted.

In all this time I have done but one thing which I reckon tolerable, and that I will transcribe, because it may give you pleasure, being a picture of my humors. You will find it in my last page. It absurdly is a first number of a series, thus strangled in its birth. More news!

Does not woman show, by her childish mode of swaying the sceptre of power, that she is only fit to go in leading-strings! Have not my fickle humors my eager pursuit of wild dissipation betrayed to you that I sought in these to stifle the still wilder throbbings of my heart? This from you, my lady? Appease these throbbings.

"So too, consider how pleasant a thing is mirth on the stage. Who does not thank William the Great for Falstaff, and Hackett for his personation of the fat knight? Who does not chuckle over the humors of Autolycus, rogue and peddler? Who has not felt his eye glisten, as his lips smiled, when Jesse Rural has spoken, and who will not say to Ollapod, 'Thank you, good sir, I owe you one'?

For she, considering that her husband is so without any ground or reason, looks so sour, and ill-natured; and alwaies when he comes home every thing stands in his way; besides, that the soothings and friendly entertainments, should differ so much from those of former times, and especially from them of the first year; cannot imagine that the small gain and the bad times are the occasion of it; therefore she thinks that there is some other fine Gipsie, that puts him on to these base humors, or that he is led away by some or other charming Punk.

He is in one of his silent humors. I can see that from this distance." He turned on the pavement and watched Cartoner, who was walking rather slowly. "If any woman ever marries that man," the Frenchman said to himself, "she will have to allow a great deal to go without saying. But, then, women are good at that." And he continued his leisurely contemplation of the dull shop-windows.

His narrow revenues made it still requisite for him to study the humors of his people, which now ran violently towards war; and it has been suspected, though the suspicion was not justified by the event, that the hopes of diverting some of the supplies to his private use were not overlooked by this necessitous monarch.

Even Ingrow's readiness found him something at a loss for an answer. He looked as if he feared lest dame Satchell might take him in an embrace. Brilliana, now that all the glasses were charged, decided that the company had tasted enough of Mrs. Satchell's humors. "I thank you, Mistress Satchell," she said, quietly, and Mrs.

Then he rode homeward through the dark, iron woods, seated astride on the barrel, and steadying himself with his arms around Crop-Ear's and Waska's necks. The health of the Princess Martha, always delicate, now began to fail rapidly. She was less and less able to endure her husband's savage humors, and lived almost exclusively in her own apartments.