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She stopped, unable to finish the sentence. Arnold insisted on her drinking a glass of wine and then defended himself with the patient consideration for her which he had shown from the first. "Why didn't I have the inn door shut in your face" he asked, good humoredly "with a storm coming on, and without a place in which you can take refuge? No, no, Miss Silvester!

"I'm going to make you pay for some of the trouble I've had over you. I believe in a man paying his debts, you know. And a woman, too. And probably you've lied to her like the very devil." "He hasn't!" protested Nada fiercely. "You're a a " "Say it," nodded Breault good humoredly. "By all means say it, Mrs. Jolly Roger.

I should say that with the right kind of training you ought to go quite a long way: who knows?" he was laughing so good humoredly that he did not see her wince, "some of these days I might pick up a nice little play for you " The lady was standing perfectly still. He decided that she had admirable repose. Her wide eyes looked straight into his. The intensity of her low voice was a bit thrilling.

He knew she was the mother of the greatest scapegrace in all Paris, a rascal named François Villon, who had disappeared, Heaven alone knew where, to the old lady's great despair. He saluted her good humoredly. "Good morrow to your nightcap, mother. Have you found your lost sheep?" Mother Villon shook her head wistfully.

Old Mother Shattuck keeps roomers, but she won't have a woman in the house. I reckon you 'll have to try it at the hotel I'll get you in there if I have to mesmerize the clerk you'll find it a bit noisy though." "Oh, I thank you so much. I don't mind the noise, so it is respectable." He laughed, good humoredly.

Men and women rose from their machines, where they had been sitting tense. Cigarettes were lit; the workers relaxed. There began a subdued chatter. Chaff and banter were exchanged, freely, good humoredly. Only the visible evidence of a former disorder remained. The room was still untidy and grimy. Papers in unbelievable profusion heaped the floors and desks. The rumble in the basement ceased.

He good humoredly nodded, and took up his pen again, a hint at which the embarrassed foreman, under cover of hitching up his trousers, awkwardly and reluctantly withdrew.

"Grin, you idiot," panted Pan, good humoredly. "Now men we're ready to look the valley over. I'll take Dad with me. Blink, you and Gus turn the corner here and keep close under the slope all the way up the valley. Look out for places where the wild horses might climb out. Charley, you and Mac New cross to the other side of the valley, if you can. Look the ground over along that western wall.

He pulled out some mill papers and was about to proceed to discuss his business when Travis interrupted: "Hold on," he said, good humoredly, "after my experience with that cross-eyed genius of a dog, I'll need something to brace me up." He handed Carpenter a glass and each drank off his cocktail at a quaff. Travis settled quickly to business.

However, the Alexandrians in general liked it all well enough, and joined good humoredly and kindly in his frolic and play, saying they were much obliged to Antony for acting his tragic parts at Rome, and keeping his comedy for them. It would be trifling without end to be particular in his follies, but his fishing must not be forgotten.