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I could not stand it either here or elsewhere, and it seemed to me that other husbands ay, and even lovers were as hard pressed as myself. I protest that there is no spot on the earth's surface so dear to me as my own drawing- room, or rather my wife's drawing-room, at home; that I am not a man given hugely to clubs, but one rather rejoicing in the rustle of petticoats.

"Happy son of Peleus," answered the ghost of Agamemnon, "for having died at Troy far from Argos, while the bravest of the Trojans and the Achaeans fell round you fighting for your body. There you lay in the whirling clouds of dust, all huge and hugely, heedless now of your chivalry.

There is even "Tipperary," a snatch, a ghost of "Tipperary," intermingled with many others, rising and falling, no one knows why, started now here, now there, and dying away again after a line or two. It is a draft going out to France for the first time, north countrymen, by their accent; and life-belts and submarines seem to amuse them hugely, to judge by the running fire of chaff that goes on.

It added hugely to the bitterness of being thus rebuked, that he had never in his life seen such a radiance of beauty's softest light as shone from the face and form of the reproving angel. "Only She canna be an angel," he said to himself; "or she wad ha'e ken't better."

"How'd you know my name?" "Ast it off your landlady." "Well, you're wrong I'm Mr. Joe." Mrs. Cassidy was hugely amused. "You're one grand fellow, let me tell you. But, oh, that black, thin one he's creepy, Mr. Joe. But your mother she's all right. I was telling Mrs. Rann so myself." Joe sighed tragically. "I suppose the whole neighborhood knows all my family secrets." "Pretty near," laughed Mrs.

One of the beasts of burden reached up and thrust an end of the spear into the hugely distended abdomen filled with the unknown red liquid. The spear was withdrawn, with about a foot of its blunt end reddened by the fluid. The termite laid it down; the staring, dull eyes watched it....

I'm sorry to have brought you out here in the cold. He took up the lamp, and, in an absolute silence, we returned to the smoking-room. The Medical Man looked into his face and, with a certain hesitation, told him he was suffering from overwork, at which he laughed hugely. I remember him standing in the open doorway, bawling good night.

For be it known, that in due time we met with several decayed, broken down demi-gods: magnificos of no mark in Mardi; having no temples wherein to feast personal admirers, or spiritual devotees. They wandered about forlorn and friendless. And oftentimes in their dinnerless despair hugely gluttonized, and would fain have grown fat, by reflecting upon the magnificence of their genealogies.

I suppose he got a glance of you as he passed, and has returned to look after you, and that is the whole secret of the matter. "'If you will be so civil as to walk out and join him then, it will oblige me hugely, said I, 'for I never in my life experienced such boding apprehensions of evil company. I cannot conceive how you should come up here without asking my permission.

Mrs Sheepshanks's parasol was lowered in a most suspicious manner, so as completely to hide her face; while the unfortunate curate, with his head almost between his knees, was working havoc in the vicarage lawn with the point of a heavy walking-stick. The only person who seemed perfectly at his ease was Austin, and he was enjoying himself hugely.