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Hubers to leave Beason closer to her at the end of the hour than he had been at the beginning. There were more ways than one of winning a scientific victory, she concluded, half humorously, but with a touch of sadness. She was beginning to see that it was a battle which demanded tact and diplomacy quite as much as brains and skill.

"You and I are hanging right over the ragged edge of thirty." "Horrors! Georgia; is this your idea of furnishing pleasant entertainment for a guest?" "But I was just thinking how many things have happened to us since we were twenty-two." "I was thinking of that a minute ago myself." "To you, especially. Now, I never supposed when we were in college that you were going to marry Karl Hubers."

His brief comment had been that America could not be so bad as was sometimes said. She was eager now to hear more about it. She would surely have a letter very soon. And she and Karl were so happy! It had been such a glorious, wholesome, splendidly worth while winter. It was one afternoon in early spring that over in the laboratory John Beason and Professor Hastings were talking of Dr. Hubers.

In the library before they came in, things had gone badly. Mrs. McCormick held persistently to the topic of Karl's eyes, putting forth all sorts of "home remedies" which would cure them in a night. He had grown nervous and irritable under it, and Mrs. Hubers several times had come to the rescue with her graciousness.

You see mother married an Irish politician hence me. While Aunt Katherine Karl's mother married a German scholar therefore Karl. And the German scholar was the son of a German professor. In fact, from all I have been led to believe the Hubers were busily engaged in the professoring business at the time Julius Caesar stalked up from Italy." "Now Georgia," hastened Mrs.

"I want you to meet Mrs. Hubers." Ernestine looked at Karl suspiciously something in his voice signified he was enjoying something. But there was nothing about Mr. Beason which signified any kind of enjoyment. He advanced to meet her sturdily, as one determined to do his duty at any cost.

More than knowledge or science or any other thing, the world needs more faith in love. Then some day you will see that you not only know but have power to make it plain, and you will not hold back any longer then. And there is to be the real victory and completion of Karl Hubers' life! there the real triumph over fate that triumph of the spirit of love. I see it now. I see it all now.