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Since you lost your ward you appear also to have lost your temper never of the best, I must say. Well, my love, by-bye for the present. Don't quite wear out the carpet before I return." With the last sneer and a sweeping bow, the lady quitted the library. As she closed the door, the house-bell rang violently.

So they passed on through the noisy streets till they reached quieter ones, were there were neither shops nor many passers-by, and there they found the home where they were going to leave their treasure for a time. Old Oliver rang the house-bell very quietly, for Dolly seemed to be asleep again, and lay quite still in Tony's arms, which were growing stiff, and benumbed by the cold.

He seemed to be praising an unknown person some gentleman who was rough, but of solid promise and singular strength of character. The house-bell rang. Believing that Beauchamp had now come, she showed a painful ridging of the brows, and Mr. Austin considerately mentioned the name of the person he had in his mind. She readily agreed with him regarding Mr.

The porter sounded the great house-bell, and the host hastened immediately to greet the stranger, who, having left the gondola, was briskly mounting the small white marble steps that led to the beautiful and sumptuous vestibule of the hotel.

At the end of that time, just as Mary and Fanny had received orders to go to bed, and were putting their dolls into the cradle in preparation, the scrambling of a horse's feet was heard on the gravel before the front door, and the house-bell rang. "Who can be coming at this time of night?" said Mrs Grey. "It is Hope, I have no doubt," replied her husband.

Just as he shook his head, the house-bell rang, and Ruth withdrew to answer it. In a minute or two the study door opened again. Harvey looked up and saw Alma. 'I was obliged to come, she said, approaching him, as he rose in astonishment. 'I thought at first of asking you to come on to Basingstoke, but we can talk better here. No sign of pleasure in their meeting passed between them.

The voice of a stranger, or a ring at the house-bell, heard from afar with Shelley's almost inconceivable quickness of perception, was enough to make him leave the house; and one of his prettiest poems is written on his mistaking his wife's mention of the Aziola, a little owl common enough in Tuscany, for an allusion to a tiresome visitor.

When the clock began to strike the hour of eight, Iris lighted her candles, and before the pulsation of the last stroke had died away, she heard the ringing of the house-bell. The door was opened by her grandfather himself, and she heard his voice. "Yes," he said, "you will find your tutor, in the first floor front, alone.

The vivid idea of her was a phantom presence, and cold, assuring him that the bodily Diana was absent. Had Lady Dunstane guessed rightly, he might perhaps have been of service! Anticipating the blank silence, he rang the house-bell. It seemed to set wagging a weariful tongue in a corpse.

Blyth and Madonna in the studio. The first was engaged, it may be remembered, in the process of brushing up Bacchanalian Nymphs in the foreground of a Classical landscape. The second was modestly occupied in making a copy of the head of the Venus de' Medici. The clock strikes one and a furious ring is heard at the house-bell. "There he is!" cries Mr. Blyth to himself. "There's Zack!