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But first an' foremost take this, in the name an' honor of God." "May the blessin' of the same Man* rest upon yees!" replied Kathleen. "This is a sorrowful thrial to us; for it's our first day to be upon the world; an' this is the first help of the kind we ever axed for, or ever got; an' indeed now I find we haven't even a place to carry it in. I've no b b cloth, or anything to hould it."

"Here it is," said Jem-y-Lord, lifting from the dressing-table the jug out of which he had moistened the sponge. "Tut!" cried Pete, and he tipped the jug so that half the water spilled. "Brandy for a man when he's in bed, you goosey gander. Hould, hard, boy; I've a taste of the rael stuff in the cupboard. Half a minute, mate.

Fethertonge here has brought me papers to sign, but I am not able to hould a pen, or if I was I'd give you a written promise; but you have my solemn word, I fear my dyin' word, in Mr. Fethertonge's presence that you shall have a lease of your farm at the ould rint. It is such tenants as you we want, M'Mahon, an' that we ought to encourage on our property.

"Hould your tongue, man," said the other, with a smile of mysterious triumph. "Is it that you wondher at? Ha, ha! That's little of it!" "But how did you know my name? or who I was? or where I lived at all? Heaven protect us! it's beyant belief, clane out." "Hould your tongue," replied the man; "don't be axin' me any thing o' the kind.

There was one that seemed to hould authority over the rest, and he axed who was my landlord? I said I had no landlord. They then said that surely I must pay rent to some one, but I said that I paid rent to nobody; that Mr. Reilly here, God bless him, gave me this house and garden free." "And what did they say when you named Mr. Reilly?"

"Where's she getting it then? Not from me at all," said Cæsar. "Deed, no, man," laughed Grannie, "considering the smart she is and the rasonable good-looking." "Hould your tongue, woman; it'll become you better," said Cæsar. Philip rose to go. "You're time enough yet, sir," cried Cæsar. "I was for telling you of a job." Some of the fishermen of Ramsey had been over on Saturday.

The opposite side was of stonework, and rose six feet above the water. As soon as they touched the wall, a stout rope was lowered to them. "Now, Tim, you climb up first." "Is it climb up, yer honor? I couldn't do it, if it was to save my sowl. My arms are gone altogether, and I'm as weak as a child. "You go, Mister Charles. I'll hould on by the rope till morning. They can but shoot me."

My compagnion must also in the water like a watter dogg, comes and takes hould of the foure oares. All the wild men swims like watter doggs, not as we swime. We mende the boat there neatly, not without miscalling one another.

"Brady," said Traynor, "you'll rue this night, if ever a man did, you tracherous in-formin' villian. What an honest spy we have among us! and a short coorse to you!" "O, hould yer tongue, Traynor!" replied Brady: "I believe it's best known who is both the spy and the informer.

In hell, on earth, an' in heaven, there's none to forgive your father but yourself! none! none! Oh, what's comin' over me! I'm dizzy an' shiverin'! How cowld the day's got of a sudden! Hould up, avourneen machree! I was a bad man; but to you Anne, I was not as I was to every one! Darlin', oh look at me with forgiveness in your eye, or any way don't curse me! Oh! I'm far cowlder now!