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And for a long time a dark horror nestled in her soul, merging with senseless laughter the exulting smile of pitiless irony.... Elisaveta came to herself. She saw above her the green branches of the birches and the lovely pale faces. She lay in the refreshing grass encircled by quiet children. She could not recall at once what had happened to her.

If you don't, I will ask him for the money for your fees myself and give it to Tom " "If you do!" I cried in horror, "oh you don't know what you are talking about, girl!" "You don't love me a bit," she said. "What would it matter to you? Besides, if it comes to giving a receipt, I can imitate your signature to a nicety. Agnes Anne says so." "But, Charlotte, it would be forgery," I gasped.

Should I, without that, have accepted the horror of living by your side, and the still greater horror of feeling and knowing that there is one among them whom I cannot recognize and who prevents me from loving the others?" "Then you have really suffered very much?" she repeated.

Were I to set down the number of unfortunate individuals who have, since 1839, been killed by these lords of the forests, I should scarcely expect to be credited. Let any one look over the newspapers of the Island for the last five or six years, and they will tell him a tale of horror that will make his blood freeze.

And even while the words of a reply were upon his lips, something happened which turned the sound into a scream of horror. Montague stood with his hand still pointing, his whole body turned to stone. Instantaneously, as if by the act of a magician, the man upon the ladder had disappeared; and instead there was a hazy mist about the shaft, and the ladder tumbling to the ground.

In critical history the absence of an influence is sometimes as significant as the presence of it. The looseness of Wergeland's style, its frothy abundance, its digressions and parentheses, its slipshod violence, would be to Ibsen so many beacons of warning, to be viewed with horror and alarm.

On the one hand, I could worm my way back through the caves and tunnels through which I had passed, and try my luck again at the other end. "With half-a-dozen matches!" sneered a voice that sounded like Tobias's "Precisely" ... and the horror of it was more than I dared face again any way.

Then, for a moment, he stood tightly clutching his thin hands over his chest in a powerful effort to control himself. "They are dead!" he repeated. He spoke more calmly, and yet there was something so terrible in his eyes, something so harshly vibrant of elation in the quivering passion of his voice that Nathaniel felt himself filled with a strange horror.

Thou pure and all-prevading Spirit, that dwellest in me, as I know by my horror of a lie, manifest Thyself in me as light when I think, as mercy when I act, and when I speak, as truth always as truth!" The poet spoke these words with absorbed fervor, and Nebsecht heard them as if they were speech from some distant and beautiful world.

At first the body appeared to be headless; but as Brice cleared away the debris and lifted it, he saw with horror that the head was twisted under the shoulder, and swung helplessly from the dislocated neck.