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Three per cent is a silly rate of interest, when all is said and done: but of course the poor dear thought he was leavin' me all alone in the world, with no friend to advise. . . ." "I see," said Cai, his heart beginning to beat fast. "And it's different now?" "I I was hopin' so," said Mrs Bosenna softly.

"Guy, massa, who ever heard of a nigga's toastin' white folks," replied Jeff, showing his whole range of ivories. "Must give us something." "Well, den, massa, if I must, I must. Here's hopin' you'll never be less de brack man's fren dan now you am."

He looks so calm and peaceful I didn't have the heart to disturb him, and I only jabbed my elbows in his ribs when he got to tunin' up the nose music too loud. Besides, I was hopin' a little nap of two or three hours might leave him some refreshed and in better shape for exhibitin' to Miss Mildred.

"Of course she didn't know how much I knew, but I did, and it's been worryin' me ever since. I was waiting, though, hopin' that something would turn up so that he would be acquitted, but I been watchin' the papers close, and I seen yesterday that there wasn't much chance, so here I am." "You say that a man came down from Mr. Compton's office just before you went up? What time was that?"

Sence he's waked up an' took an interest he's done fine. He's the best o' the lot and his knowin' that is what inspires him to do better yet. That, an' hopin' to please the Boss. But I hope the storm'll blow over the one they're brewin'. And I wonder what in creation ever did become o' that first boy, or of Wunny."

"It is he, Sol! It is he!" he whispered in intense excitement. "Yes, Henry," replied the shiftless one, "it's the teacher." "Do you think his presence here means Wareville has been destroyed by Bird?" "I'm hopin' that it doesn't, Henry." Shif'less Sol spoke steadily, but Henry could read the fear in his mind, and the reply made his own fears all the stronger.

With a look of freshened recollection, he suddenly drew a plug of tobacco from his pocket, and he talked on even as he gnawed a piece from it. "Durin' the war a cavalry-man got shot out hyar whilst runnin' 'crost that thar foot-bredge. Thar hed been a scrimmage an' his horse war kilt, an' he tuk ter the bresh on foot, hopin' ter hide in the laurel.

"Some of 'em air here an' some ain't. I was goin' back agin to git the flag, when I saw you chased like a fox across the creek with it hangin' on yo' back. Then I kinder thought it wouldn't do for none of the regiment to answer when Marse Robert called, so I came along right fast and kep' hopin' you would follow." "Here I am," responded Dan, "and here are the colours."

"I'll feel better when I have the six hundred dollars in my fist. I'm afraid it ain't goin' to be no easy matter to git it." "What's the trouble!" "I ain't known in Philadelphy an' they tell me a feller has got to be identified or somethin' like thet somebody has got to speak for ye wot knows ye." "I see. Perhaps you'll meet some friend." "Thet's wot I'm hopin' fer."

They jine when it comes on too cold to sleep outdoors, an' they onjine when it comes on spring. Elder Gray's always hopin' to gather in new souls, so he gives the best of 'em a few months' trial. How are ye, Hannah?" he called to a Sister passing through the orchard to search for any possible green apples under the trees.