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They 'aimed high, and besides, all that, like father's story of the gun, by 'aiming high, though they may miss the mark, they will be sure to hit the upper circles. Oh, Squire, there is nothing like 'aiming high, in this world." "I quite agree with you, Sam," said Mr. Hopewell. "I never heard you speak so sensibly before. Nothing can be better for young men than "Aiming high."

Haw! haw! haw!" Hopewell Drugg's store was a very different looking shop now from its appearance that day when Janice had led little blind Lottie up from the wharf at Pine Cove and delivered her to her father for safe keeping. Then the goods had been dusty and fly-specked, and the interior of the store dark and musty.

"I am beginning to believe so myself," the civil engineer returned. "I've seen enough drunken fellows before this to know that Hopewell doesn't show many of the usual symptoms." Janice halted suddenly. "There's a light in Mr. Massey's back room," she said. "Eh? Back of the drugstore? Yes, I see it," Bowman said, puzzled. "Why not take Mr. Drugg there and see if Massey can give him something?

This invitation we were unfortunately compelled to decline, in consequence of urgent business in London, where our immediate presence was indispensable. The rector then pressed Mr. Hopewell to preach for him, on the following day at the parish church, which he also declined.

She hesitated a moment to peer into the gloomy place more a mausoleum than a store! and saw Hopewell leaning against the counter, while Lottie, in her pink sash and white dress, and the kid boots, sat upon it and leaned against her father while he scraped out some weird minor chords upon the fiddle. Marty had come down the lane to the corner of High Street to meet Janice.

In 1759 he married Jane Bain, of the same race, from Pennsylvania, and settled in Hopewell congregation. Prospered in his business, he soon became wealthy and an extensive landholder, and rising in the estimation of his fellow-citizens, was promoted to the magistracy and the Eldership of the Presbyterian Church.

"One moment, Sam," said Mr. Hopewell. "The very word 'dependencies' shows the state of the colonies. If they are to be retained, they should be incorporated with Great Britain. The people should be made to feel, not that they are colonists, but Englishmen. They may tinker at constitutions as much as they please; the root of the evil lies deeper than statesmen are aware of.

Haley." "I believe you!" exclaimed the schoolmaster in scorn, and turned away. "But, say, Hopewell, ye ain't answered me yet," went on Massey, again addressing the storekeeper. "Well I couldn't say offhand " "Great goodness, Hopewell!" cried Massey, pounding his fist upon the counter for emphasis, "you're the most exasperating critter. If this this If Mr. Haley didn't give you the coin, who did?"

And now she's fallen into the cellar " "Whose cellar? Oh! is she very, very badly hurt?" cried Janice, equally anxious. "Hopewell had the trap door open. She came running into the shop and went straight down on her poor little head! Oh! she's all cut and bruised " Miss 'Rill could say no more.

Mr. Samuel Slick is a native of the same parish, and received his education from Mr. Hopewell. I first became acquainted with him while travelling in Nova Scotia. He was then a manufacturer and vendor of wooden clocks. My first impression of him was by no means favourable. He forced himself most unceremoniously into my company and conversation. I was disposed to shake him off, but could not.