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She could be anything weak and shallow when out of his hands; she had recently proved it still, in view of the interview, and on the tide of his labours to come to that wished end, he struck his breast to brave himself with a good hopeful spirit. 'Once mine! he said.

I was once talking with an acquaintance about whose religious position I knew nothing, and he exprest a very hopeful opinion in regard to a matter about which I was myself very doubtful. "'Why, I said to him, 'You are an optimist. "'Of course I am an optimist, he replied, because I am a Christian. "I felt that as a reproof. The Christian must be an optimist."

His suit fitted his figure as well as that of the Englishman, but he could not wear it with the same hopeful grace. "Cheer up!" whispered Thorndyke, as they followed the captain through a long corridor, "if we are on our way to the stake or block we are at least going dressed like gentlemen." Outside they found the streets lined with spectators eagerly waiting to see them pass.

Instead, he asked, "What did the doctor say when he was here this mornin'?" "Nothin' very hopeful. I asked him plain what he thought of the case, and he answered jest as plain. He said Cap'n Baxter had failed dreadful in the last week, and that he wouldn't be s'prised if he dropped off most any time. Then again, he said he might live for months." "I see, I see."

To be sure, he was handicapped by lack of capital, but his past record had established his credit, and when the foundation work was begun it was a very hopeful young man that watched the first shovelful of earth taken out.

Over-zeal leading to hasty action, would do harm by holding out expectations of a new golden age, which will certainly be falsified and cause the science to be discredited. The first and main point is to secure the general intellectual acceptance of Eugenics as a hopeful and most important study.

How wondrous, how all-conquering is the Spirit of our beloved Master which, despite the terrible distress now reigning all over Germany, and notwithstanding the confusion and the gross materialism in which mankind is now sunk, is causing these vigorous, radiant and hopeful Bahá’í centres to be established, linked together and strengthened, in even the uttermost regions of your great country.

The old gentleman heard what his son was about, and when Young Hopeful was arrested and brought before him, he availed himself of his fatherly privilege, and had him strangled, or disposed of after some other of those charming fashions which were so common in the model republic of antiquity.

If a miser, to please he will become a spendthrift, and he who feared a shadow, learns to despise death. The corrupt Don Juan emulates the virtuous Grandison, and, earnest in his efforts, he believes himself to be really reformed, converted, purified regenerated. This happy transformation will last through the hopeful period.

She had never broken down, and now that she was hopeful, was, in spite of her fatigue, as bright and merry as ever, and was contributing comic pictures to the "Traveller's Joy," while Lord Fordham did the sketches. Those kind people were as careful of her as any could be. "And what are her further plans?" asked Miss Ogilvie. "Has she been able to form any?" "Hardly," said Johnny.